•NINE•~"The Room of Requirements"

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"Hey Moony what do we have next?" Sirius asked finishing his food.

"We have Divination with Hufflepuff" I replied checking the time seeing there was only 5 minutes left until the start of class. "Come on let's go, the classroom is quite far from here we're going to be late." I saw Polaris' friend heading out of the Great Hall alone.

"What does Ravenclaw have next?" i asked the boys while we're walking all together at the corridor.

"I think they have free period at this time, why?" Peter replied looking at me curiously.

"When is our free period?" i ignored his question checking the time again.

"After Divination, what do you guys plan on spending it?" Peter asked excitedly probably planning to prank students with the other two.

"About that, Padfoot and i plan to plant dungbombs in random places, actually we need your help about that Moony."

I groan getting myself ready for one of their plans that would get us in trouble again. "Alright what is it?"

"We need you to charm the dungbombs with like a motion sensor thing? so like when someone walks by it, it will explode in their faces" James said excitedly while high-fiving Sirius.

"What? are you mental? i don't even know if there's a charm for that." i said to them disapprovingly.

"There must be! come on you can read your charms book at Divination i heard that it was complete rubbish anyway. Please Moony this is going to be great"
Sirius said while shaking my shoulders causing me to stop walking.

"Alright fine you gits better not get me in trouble, Filch will probably get suspicious" i said beginning to think that this was a bad idea.

We arrived at Divination sitting down with Peter while James and Sirius sat together.

Divination started and i started to sneakily read my Charms book while the Professor is going on and on about unfogging the future.

Polaris' P.O.V.

It must be around here somewhere.

After awhile of walking i finally arrived at  the seventh floor, the only task that i have to do now is find that damn wall.

Come on Polaris think, what does the wall looked like?

I began to pace around, out of hope.

I could really use a candy right now.

Then suddenly, the wall beside me started showing lines of what looks like a door then after a few seconds, a fully constructed door appeared on the wall.

I found it.

Slowly, i looked around looking for a person nearby just in case then i opened the door and went inside.

What i found was a room fully of different kind of sweets, just like Honey Dukes.

This is going to be fun.

Remus' P.O.V.

Divination ended and me and the boys talked in a deserted corridor.

"So Moony did you find anything?" James asked impatienly.

"Yeah, it only takes about minutes to do, that is if you do it one by one" i replied looking around the corridor.

"Then let's not do it one by one, come on let's get this started already." Sirius said while setting down all the dungbombs for me to charm.

I point my wand and charmed all of it, it happened in a few seconds then it's done.

"I brought the Invisibility Cloak just in case." James said grabbing the cloak from his bag.

"That's a great idea Prongs, so where should we start lads?"

"Let's start floor by floor, let's just plant it in randon grounds." James said wrapping the cloak around us.


After minutes of planting dungbombs in random places we were finally at the seventh floor.

"Alright this is the last floor i guess, we only have a few dungbombs left." James whispered then threw a dungbomb into a random spot.

We heard a noise of a door opening and closing. We stopped walking and waited  for the person to wak by and leave.

Polaris' P.O.V.

After eating a few sweets, i realized that free period ended and i only have about a few minutes to get to my next class. Which is Herbology with Slytherins.

Crap i gotta go now. I quickly grabbed a lot of candies and stuffed them in my bag. I opened the door and peaked left and right if ever that there was someone nearby. There was no one and i went out and closed the door, running my way to the classroom.

Remus' P.O.V.

"Polaris? What is she doing here?" i said in surprise as she ran by in a hurry.

"I told you she's suspicious." Sirius said looking like he just solved the greatest mystery of all time.

"That's no coincidence, i mean there are no rooms nearby. Why would we hear a door open and close right?" Peter said looking at the three of us.

"What if she found the Room of Requirements?" James said shrugging his shoulders.

"What is she even doing on the seventh floor in the first place?" Sirius said looking around the corridor. "We have to find out what she's up to."

"Let's just forget it, we have a prank to finish." i said ushering the three boys to start walking.

Sirius, James, and Peter looked at themselves with a knowing look. Starting a plan for the mysterious girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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