•SIX•~"Hogwarts and The Sorting"

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I was woken up  by Leo shaking me violently. "GET UP WE'RE HERE SLEEPING BEAUTY" he shouted at me still shaking me.

I sit up and smacked him in the head.
"shut up im awake okay?"i said grumpily.

We exit the train together and made way to the carriages. As we were sat in our carriage a red headed girl approached us.

"Hi may i sit with you?"she asked us with a kind smile.

"Yes you may, im Polaris Cameron and this is Leonidas Theosar." i said with a kind smile.

"Im Lily Evans, it's nice meeting you"
she replied with a bright smile on her face."So i assume you're new here? i haven't saw you before."

"Oh yeah im new here, transfer from Beauxbatons"i said mentally telling myself to not talk to her again as she has a connection to the Marauders.

She and Leo talked for a while after silence fell on us. I was spacing out until Hogwarts came into view. It was so beautiful. My dream came true. I was so happy i felt tears in my eyes. After all the daydreaming of studying here at Hogwarts i finally get to see it in real life.


We finally arrived at the gates.
"Hey Leo i gotta go,im going to be sorted with the first years. I'll see you later  okay?" i said to him and walked along with the first years.

We were walking up the stairs when i saw Professor McGonagall standing at the top."Welcome first years into Hogwarts you will be sorted into the Great Hall. There are four Houses, there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Please be at your best behavior when we arrive." She then started leading us into the Great Hall. I was in awe. It was so magical. It looks just as it is from the movies.Except more magical because it's real.

Professor McGonagall walked  up and stood beside the stool with the Sorting Hat on it. It sang it's legendary song.After it's singing,  Professor McGonagall held up a scroll and the Sorting Hat.

"Alvarez, Jessica!"


"Averilla, Joey!"


"Bautista, Raphael!"


It was in alphabetical order... bloody hell

"Baltimore, Isaac!"


"Canes, Sybil!"


Here we go....

"Cameron, Polaris!"
At the sound of her name, the Marauders stopped their chatter and watched her being sorted. The Hat was saying things too quiet to be heard for the other students, but it looked as though it was having a hard time deciding.

"told you she's new" Peter muttered quietly.

"i hope she's in Gryffindor"Sirius whispered to James and James only nodded in agreement.

"Better be in.....RAVENCLAW!"

the Marauders sighed in disappointment while Leo was cheering loudly.

Polaris sat at the Ravenclaw Table and she was welcomed like a new family member.

Polaris began to talk to Leo and she looked at the staff table only to see Dumbledore raise his goblet at her as if congratulating her. She smiled in appreciation before continuing her food. Lots of other first years were sorted then Dumbledore stood up to make his speech.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. We are delighted to have you all young students studying and learning new  things here. All first years will be escorted by your House Prefects and  you'll find your uniform in your dorm. Your timetable will be handed out by the Head of your Houses tomorrow at Breakfast. Thank you and Good Luck to your year here at Hogwarts." He finished his speech and we all went back to eating.

I ate all the food mentioned at the books until i was full. After the feast, Leo walked with me to the common room.

"What is something that asks but never answers?" The eagle asked its riddle to us

"A question of course"i answered as Leo looked like he's going to take awhile.

"Okay okay miss know-it-all" Leo said rolling his eyes.

"oh come on don't be like that" i said laughing.

I fell inlove when i saw the common room. It is true  they have the stars painted on the ceiling although it looked as if it was moving.

"there's the girl's dorm, I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast alright?"

"of course bye Leo" i bid him goodbye and went up to my dorm.I saw two girls sleeping already. I changed into my sleeping wear and laid down on my bed.

I played the events over and over again in my head until i fell asleep.

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