•EIGHT•~"Defence against the dark arts and werewolves"

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Polaris' P.O.V.

"Aris my stomach hurts" Leo groaned in pain as he held on to my arm for support.

"but we're going to be late Leo, it's fine" i said while hurrying my pace. Leo hunched in pain and clutched his stomach.

"I think it was that bloody pie that i ate earlier, i feel like throwing up." Leo said dramatically "please aris help me"

I sighed and helped him get to the Hospital Wing.

Remus' P.O.V.

We entered the classroom looking for one particular person. I sighed when i couldn't spot her and sat beside Peter with Sirius and James in front of us.

"Good morning class, as you remember, last year we studied trolls, grindylows, and other creatures. Today we will b-"
Professor was interrupted by someone coming in late.

"Im sorry im late Professor, i took my friend to the Hospital Wing." she said out of breath as if she have been running.
"Ten points from Ravenclaw Miss Cameron. I trust you know your seat?"

"Yes Professor" she said and sat down on the seat not very far from us.

"As i was saying, today we will be studying merpeople, animagi, and werewolves." I tensed when she said this and me and the boys shared a nervous look. Does the Professor even know about my condition to even bring this up? "Now can anyone tell me what a merpeople is?" Lily raised her hand along with a few Ravenclaws. "Yes Miss Evans?"

"Merpeople is a water creature who is half human and half fish. They are hostile creatures." Lily finished with a confident smile. "Very good Miss Evans, ten points to Gryffindor."

"Now can anybody tell me what is the difference between an animagi and a werewolf?" This time, Lily is the only person who raised their hand. I look over to Polaris and saw that she wasn't paying any attention.

Polaris' P.O.V

Animagi and Werewolves. Great

I decided not to listen as Hermione already explained what it means.
"Miss Cameron, would you mind to answer please? your lack of attention will cause you to lose points but however if you answer it might gain som instead" The Professor said to me with a stern look.

I didn't expect that to happen. At all.

With nervous sigh, i cleared my throat before answering. "An animagi change their appearance at will while a werewolf has no choice, werewolves transform at every full moon." i realized that i sounded nervous and i cleared my throat once again. "Lycanthropy can be received by a werewolf biting another person or if a person is born into it." i finished my answer and looked down on my table, trying my best not to make eye contact with Remus or the boys.

Do not look at him.

Too late i look into their direction with a tense look and quickly looked away when i realized that they were all looking at me. When i look back at them and saw them raising their eyebrows at me.
After all that awkward exchange i didn't look their way ever again.

"Okay class i want a one page essay about animagi and werewolves seeing as you already understand merpeople.
That is to be passed tomorrow.

As soon as we were dismissed i hurriedly pack up my things and left, avoiding them. I came to the Hospital Wing.

"are you okay now?come on let's go to lunch im hungry."

"Yes ma'am, im traumatized to eat now.
Believe me i love the House elves but damn that got me good."

Remus' P.O.V.

Me and the boys sat down in our table at lunch still talking about what happened earlier at DADA.

"That was bloody awkward, does the professor know about your condition mate?" Peter said taking a bite of his chicken.

"Nah mate but did you notice how Cameron looked at us right after she finished her answer? Now that's suspicious" Sirius said shaking his head.
"But did you see how Lilyflower answered that question with ease?" James said dreamily.

"We're not talking about that mate, we're talking about how that action Cameron did was suspicious as hell." Peter said in annoyance. "What do you think Moony?"

"It's probably just a coincidence, let's not think too much about it. I mean yeah she's kind of mysterious but maybe that's how she is?" i said starting to read my book and drink pumpkin juice.

"Well well well speak of the devil" Sirius said and we all watched her walk in and sit at the Ravenclaw table with the Thesaurus dude.

I watched her write something on her parchment while her friend is talking to her. Only nodding in reply.

Polaris' P.O.V.

The Room of Requirements
Chamber of Secrets
Whomping Willow
Kitchen Secret Passage
HoneyDukes Secret Passage

I list down all the things that i remember from the books, earlier i got a crazy idea to visit every place i remember. The Chamber of Secrets would be hard though.

"Aris they're all looking at you" Leo said nudging me with his elbow.
"Let me guess, the marauders?"

"Yeah you better watch out, you don't know what they're up to"

"Yeah will do, we have a free period after lunch, what do you want to do?"i asked him starting to get up.

"Oh I'll just sleep actually, you go on ahead." he said with a yawn.

"okay then see you later alright?"i said to him not even bothering to wait for his reply.

I guess this is where my adventure starts.

I thought beginning to find The Room of Requirements.

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