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Bella's New Car Seat, Her Surprises and Her New Room

Bella's P.O.V.

Soon, we got to this huge beautiful house.

It was amazing!

"Mo-mommy, da-daddy, your ho-house i-is bea-beautiful," I tell them. "It's your house too, Bella," mommy tells me. When we park in front of the house, I see two girls, Edward, and two other men. Mommy and Daddy got out and mommy opened my door and then unbuckled me. She helped me get out of the car and after, daddy picked me up and we walked up to the people standing.

"Bella, this is Alice," mommy said. Alice had black spiky hair and golden eyes, they all do including mommy and daddy, they also have really pale skin. She looked nice. "Hi Bella," Alice chirped. Next in front of me was a beautiful blonde girl. "Bella, this is Rosalie," Mommy said.

She looked scary and I whimpered. Next was a man with golden curly hair, he also was scary. "This is Jasper," daddy said. "Hello Bella," he says to me, I wave shyly. Next was Edward, but we skipped him because I already met him. Last, we came to a man and he was big and had a lot of muscles. He also had short black hair and he was very scary.

"Hello Bella!" he yelled. I whimpered and hid into daddy.

"Emmett!" I heard daddy yell.

Next, I hear a door open and close. "Bella, would you like to see the house?" mommy asks, I nod.

Daddy sets me down and I slowly walk around. I find the living room and I slowly go up to where their movies are. Next, I find the kitchen. It was really pretty. While I look around, I hear someone whisper. "What's wrong with her legs?" "She has been diagnosed with CP, Cerebral Palsy." daddy whispers back.

"Wh-where's my ro-room?" I ask.

"Right upstairs. And don't worry, your room is right by me and mommy's," daddy tells me.

I follow daddy up the stairs, while mommy helps me walk up them. I found It very hard. We stop in front of a white door with the letter 'B' in pink. Alice opens the door and It was amazing. I look around and see my bed with a pink and white chevron comforter. "Th-thank you ve-very mu-much," I say. "Wait until you see your closet," Alice tells me.

She goes to another door and opens it. I peek inside and see a bunch of shirts, pants, dresses, and shoes. Then she shows me my bathroom and I loved all of it.

"We have two other surprises for you Bella," mommy tells me. I follow them to mommy and daddy's room and I see a wheelchair and some kind of sticks. "Wh-what are th-those?" I asked, pointing to the sticks. "Those are your crutches. You are going to have to use them when you aren't using the wheelchair," daddy tells me. I nod. "Do you want me to put them on you?" he asks me, I nod. He grabs them and I put them on.

"Try'em out," Alice says.

I start to walk and figure out that they help me.

"I-I love th-them," I say. Everyone smiles. I start to walk to my room, the crutches helping me very much. "Mo-mommy, I-I'm hungry. C-can I ha-have someth-thing to ea-eat?" I ask. "Of course sweetie. Why don't you, Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Rosalie go into your room and play?" she asks me, I nod. She heads downstairs and daddy turns to me and bends down to my height. "I'm just going into my office, okay? And if you need me, just call, okay?" he asks me. "O-okay da-daddy," I say. He kisses my forehead and then leaves also.

I start to go to my room with Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Rosalie behind me. Once I'm in my room, I take off my crutches and slowly walk to a corner and I bring my knees to my chest. They all scared me, well all of them except Edward, Alice, and Jasper. I hear footsteps coming closer and then a hand on my knee. I look up and I see Emmett. I whimper and try to back away. "Da-daddy!" I scream. Daddy comes into my room fast. "What happened?" daddy asked. "Ge-get hi-him aw-away fr-from m-me!" I cry. "Emmett, please leave the room," daddy says. I hear Emmett sigh and then his footsteps leaving. I feel daddy pick me up and Rosalie smiles at me.

Daddy waits for me to calm down and then gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then leaves my room. "What do you want to play with Bella?" Alice asks me. "I-I want t-to play wi-with th-the doll ho-house," I say, she smiles and tells Edward to get my crutches, he nods and brings them and then helps me put them back on.

{Rosalie and Jasper left, while Carlisle was calming down Bella.}

Once I get them on, we walk up to the dollhouse and Alice gets the bin that has all the dollhouse stuff, while Edward opens the house.

30 Minutes Later

Esme comes up and tells me It's time for me to eat.

Alice helps me get up, while Edward picks up my crutches.

After their on, I begin to walk out with Edward and Alice behind me. When I get downstairs, we go into the kitchen and I go to the table and Edward helps me sit down. After, I see mac 'n' cheese, goldfish and apple juice waiting for me. I start to use my arm, but it wouldn't hold the spoon.

"Mo-mommy!" I cry.

"What's wrong, Bella?" mommy asks, coming in.

"My hand won't work," I say. "Edward, go get Carlisle. Now!" I hear her say. Soon, daddy comes in and mommy told him what happened. "Okay, Bella. You need to come with me and mommy to my office, okay?" daddy asks, I nod and he picks me up and puts me on his hip. We go upstairs and enter an office. There's a lot of books and a hospital bed in the middle of the room.

Daddy sits me down on it and then goes up to a dresser. He takes something out and then comes back with a tube. "Now baby, I'm going to need you to lay down for me, can you do that?" daddy asks, I nod and lay down. "Edward, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, can you come in here please?" Daddy calls, soon they all come in.

"Now Esme, Edward, and Rosalie, I need you to hold Bella's body still, can you do that?" I ask, they nod. "Now Alice I need you to help keep her distracted and if you could Jasper, try to keep her calm?" Daddy asks, they all nod and daddy gets the tube out of the package.

"Now Edward, I need you to hold her head still. Rosalie her legs and Esme her arms," Daddy says. I feel them hold me down. "Wh-what's happening da-daddy?" I ask. "Nothing. All I want you to do is to try to stay still okay?" he asks, I nod. Alice begins to talk to me and then I feel something going down my nose. I start to struggle. "Da-daddy! Da-daddy! I-It hurts!" I scream. "I know, sweetheart. Almost done okay." "Da-daddy st-stop, pl-please!" I scream. "Pl-please! Wh-why are y-you do-doing this, da-daddy!" I scream. "I have to sweetie. I'm sorry, but I have to," he says, over my screams.

Edward's P.O.V.

I can't stand hearing Bella's screams.

It's just so sad.

'We have to do this, Edward,' I hear Carlisle tell me with me reading his mind. I look at him and nod and then finally after 10 more grueling minutes, Carlisle was done. He nodded at me, Rosalie and Esme to let go of Bella, which we did. Bella started coughing and continued crying. 

Carlisle quickly taped the tube to her cheek and then he picked her up and we all followed him to her room. I opened the door and he had Alice grab her a pair of PJs and then he and Esme walked into the bathroom and after 5 minutes, they came out with Bella in her PJs and then they laid her down in her bed. I quickly grabbed a Belle plush doll and gave it to Esme. She puts it under her arm and when she did, Bella clutched to it like it was her life. Carlisle covered her up and then he went into her closet and brought out 2 safety slay rails that he put on each side of her bed, so she doesn't fall.

 Carlisle covered her up and then he went into her closet and brought out 2 safety slay rails that he put on each side of her bed, so she doesn't fall

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After Carlisle and Esme kiss her goodnight and then I turn on her night light and then we leave and turn off her bedroom light. 

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