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One Week Later,

Bella's POV

I wake up to Alice waking me up and getting me dressed, then she carries me downstairs and while I watch Imagination Movers, I eat and drink some orange juice.

Bella's Outfit

Bella's Outfit

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After, mommy Esme, me and Edward go to school

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After, mommy Esme, me and Edward go to school. Mommy lets me and Edward play outside on the playground until it's time for class! Edward pushes me on the swings! After, we go inside after everyone else. Today I'm using my wheelchair instead of my crutches, but they are in the back of my wheelchair, Edward buckles me back in before we go back inside. When we get back to mommy Esme's classroom, she gives me a kiss on my cheek and I tell her that Edward pushed me on the swings and then went to my desk and when I do, one of my friends is sitting next to me, I smile and whisper a hi, while Edward unpacks my backpack and helps me set it all on my desk. Her name is Lizzie, and she is very nice and she doesn't ask if I need help, she just does it if I ask for help. I love it! After math and reading, we go outside, until lunch. Lizzie wants to go down the slide, but I told her I couldn't. She went by herself, while I waited for her.

After, we play catch. She throws the ball to me and then I do the same. After, we went inside and went to the lunchroom, where mommy Esme was waiting for me with my lunch box and special backpack. I started to eat, while Lizzie was getting her lunch and I also got some apple juice!

It was yummy too!

After, we did science and a little more math. It was time to go, but I got to meet Lizzie's mum and mommy Esme got her phone number so that we could have a playdate! When we got home, daddy was there, he unbuckled me and gently picked me up and started to kiss all over my face.

I was laughing so hard that I screamed. "Da-daddy! St-stop!" I laugh.

When he did, he sits me on the couch and we watch imagination movers!

After 2 episodes, daddy fed me, while we colored together. Soon, Alice, Jazz, and Rosie joined us, while Mommy Esme, Daddy Carlisle, and Edward talked and I think Emmett was playing video games upstairs in his and Rosie's room.

After I went to bed and daddy Carlisle and mommy Esme tucked me in.


When I woke up, it was still dark. I had a nightmare about my old daddy. I quickly got out of bed, but I fell with a big thump! I screamed in pain, spots started to block my vision, but before I passed out, I saw Edward and daddy Carlisle's faces.

Carlisle's POV

We were all downstairs, watching a movie when we heard a thump coming from Bella's room. When we got there, we found her on the floor and she closed her eyes as we came in. I quickly tell Edward to gently pick her up and then we go to the car and I quickly start to drive to the hospital with my wife and Edward. On the way there, I swerve out of the way, but the car tumbles and the car goes into a pond. Me, my wife, Esme, and Edward get out of the car safely, but Bella is stuck inside the car and in the water. People start to come and help and call an ambulance, while I hold my crying wife and Edward is standing there, worried.

When the fire department, police and ambulance arrive, they come up to me and Esme.

"Is there anybody in the car?" a police officer asks.

"Yes, my daughter," I say.

"Sir, does she have any medical disabilities?" a paramedic asks me and my wife. "Yes, she has Cerebral Palsy, she's prone to grand mal seizures, and she has a feeding tube," I say, he nods.

That's when they bring a crane to take our car out of the pond.

An hour later,

They finally got the car out. The paramedics quickly and carefully get Bella out of the car and into the ambulance. The police officers give us a ride to the hospital.

In the ambulance

Third person POV

"Collapsed right lung, suspected broken leg, head trauma, possible internal bleeding, suspected broken left arm, and possible concussion," a paramedic says as he shines a light in Bella's eye, while the other straps Bella to the gurney and puts a neck brace on her.

The driver rushes to Forks hospital with the police car right behind them with the Carlise, Esme and Edward Cullen inside the car.

"She's seizing! I'm giving her 5 Milligrams of Diazepam!" The paramedic yells as he quickly gives Bella 5 Milligrams of Diazepam. She then soon stops seizing and they arrive at Forks Hospital.

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