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2 Hours Later

Edward's P.O.V.

Carlisle unconnected Bella's feeding bag, an hour ago.

I'm in my room now, listening to Ludwig Vanbetoven. When I hear a scream come from Bella's room, I quickly get off my couch, pause my music and then run into her room.

When I enter the room, I see her sitting up, breathing hard and sweat is running down her face.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I ask, slowly walking up to her.

"Ba-bad dream," she says, crying.

I sit on her bed and she quickly wraps her arms around my neck and wraps legs around my waist. I stand up and slowly walk around her room, gently rocking her and whispering sweet nothings into her ear to help calm her down.

15 minutes later

Bella's POV

Edward carries me back downstairs and into the kitchen, where mommy Esme and daddy Carlisle is. I squeal with excitement when I see them, Ally and Jaz and Rosie.

"Ally! Jaz! Rosie!" I almost scream out.

Rosie takes me in her arms and quickly wipes my tears.

"Hey baby girl," mommy Esme says. "Hi mommy Esme," I whisper, hiding my face in Rosie's shoulder.

"Rosie, Jaz, Ally? Can we go and play?" I ask, looking up at Rosie.

"Sure thing, sweet pea," Jaz says, tickling my belly, I squeal in laughter.

"St-stop! Ja-Jaz!" I laugh, he stops and we all go into my room. Rosie puts me down on my feet and I walk over to where my coloring stuff is.

Jaz helps me carry it to the middle of my room and opens it, and we start to color. While we color, mommy Esme brings me a bowl of goldfish! Yummy!

I colored a picture of me, mommy Esme, daddy Carlisle, bubba Eddie, bubba Jaz, Emmett, sissy Rosie and sissy Ally! I showed it too Jaz, Rosie and Ally and then Jaz gave me a piggy back ride to the kitchen and we showed mommy Esme, daddy Carlisle, bubba Eddie and Emmett. Daddy Carlisle put it on the fridge and then we watched a Rio, while I ate.

After, it was bedtime, so everyone told me goodnight and then daddy Carlisle covers me up and I fall asleep.

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