The park

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Alex's POV

I patiently waited for my friends to arrive near the entrance of the school. My last class is right next to the entrance, so it doesn't take me long to get there. Everyone else, on the other hand, their much farther away.

I finally catch a glimpse of John walking towards me with a smile on his face. As he got closer, i noticed something different in his eyes. Oh my god, he found hIS TALENT! I run to hem to get a better look. It was a paintbrush with paint on it in the colors pink, blue and purple.

"Oh my god! You did it" I practically was shouting at him with excitement.

"Yeah! Guess that the painting lesson was good for me afterall" he replied.

We kept talking until everyone else came. First Aaron, then Laf and Herc. Together, we all went to walk to the park nearby.

As I was walking, I kept thinking to myself, now I'm one of the last people to get my talent. Everyone tells me I'll get it someday, but it seems like that day can't come any sooner. Most people get their talent at around 14 of 15. Everyone I know (besides Aaron) has got their talent already.

My thought were interrupted when I accidentally bumped into Aaron.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

"It's fine. I was walking a bit slow anyway. So, what is in this park?" He replied.

"Oh, umm, there's this cool river. There's trees to climb on. I think a kid once broke his arm by falling off a tree there and somehow became famous by lying about being friends with this kid who kil- that's unimportant. It's the first place I visited when I first came here"

"About that" He said "Where are you from?"

"Nevis. It's an island in the Caribbean"


Aaron's POV

We made it to the entrance of the park and went to the river area Alex told me about. I was told that the water is very cold and to not fall in. We walked along the side until we found a tree trunk that was over the river. Alex went up to it.

"Whoa! Let's walk over it to the other side." He told us.

"Are you crazy?! If you fall, you'll die from hypothermia or whatever it is." Lafayette shouted at Alex.

"Relax, it'll be fine" He tried to move the trunk. It didn't move. "Seems sturdy"

John facepalmed and looked at me. "He always does this. It's like he's drawn to danger"

Alex slowly walked across the trunk. He stopped when he reached the middle and jumped a bit. "See, perfectly- WOAH!" Right as he said it, Alex slipped and fell into the river.

Everyone gasped and tried to follow Alex as he started floating down the river.

I don't know why, but somethin urged me to jump in the river to save him. As I went into the water, I heard Lafayette call my name. The water seemed normal to me. It didn't seem cold. I saw Alex, who must have passed out from shock. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the side of the river.

Everyone came to us. Lafayette felt Alex's hands. "He's ice cold."

"We should get him something to keep him warm". I replied. I took off my scarf and gloves to give to Alex. I also stayed close to him to provide more heat.

Once it seemed like Alex would be ok, Hercules yelled "What the heck just happened?!"

"What do you mean?" I responded.

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