Worst Vacation Ever

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Blaze's POV

I have an idea. I will try to convince Alexander to join my side. I am not sure how I will convince him yet, but I plan to get him by himself.

I started the day by giving Alexander scary dreams to mess with him. After all, it gets boring just observing someone. Alexander was the first to wake up, so he got ready and went to get cereal.

I decided to initiate my plan. I gave Alexander a vision and allowed him to see me.

He sighed, "What do you want?"

"I believe we started on the wrong foot. How about you join me and we can finish this prophecy quickly." I said.

Alexander scoffed "Why would I want to do that? As long as I'm in control, that prophecy will never happen!"

"I've meaning to ask this. You say you don't want to destroy the Earth, but why?"

"Because my family and friends are here, and I would never hurt them."

I faked laughed "You really consider them your friends. They're afraid of you. They know you have the power to kill them with a snap of your fingers."

I could see Alexander starting to get scared. He was trying to deny my lies, but my words have already made it's way into his mind. "That's- That's not true! My friends love me. They are the most accepting people I know."

I laughed evilly. "Is that so?" With a snap of my fingers, I gave Alexander another hallucination of his friends talking about him behind his back and saying mean things about him.

It got to the point where Alexander was on the brink of tears. With a burst of anger and sadness, he caused some fire to hit some items in the room. It even caused a glass bottle to break.

Aaron's POV

I heard something break in the main room and went to check it out. I saw Alex on the floor in tears. I quickly went to comfort him.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I asked.

"Do you love me?" He asked. I looked confused. He repeated. "I said do you love me?"

"Of course I do, Alex. What would make you think that?" He felt warm. I knew something was up, and that it had to do with a certain fire demon.

Alex stood up. "You promise?" he asked. I nodded. He sighed. "Blaze has been trying to get me to join his cause. He's trying to make me think that you guys are scared of me."

"Well, I can't speak for the others, but I can tell you that the only thing I'm scared that has anything to do with you is Blaze."

I noticed him becoming a bit skeptical. "How do I know you aren't lying?"

I laughed. "You seriously think I would lie to you? Is Blaze telling you that?" He looked away. "I thought so. Why would you believe him. He evil."

"Yes, but he sounds like he's telling the truth, and since he is me, I should be able to tell if he's lying." Alex said.

"I don't think it works like that. Alex, don't listen to him, trust me, all Blaze cares about is fulfilling the prophecy. I love you with all my heart, I'm not scared of you!"

After a moment of silence, Alex spoke up. "I know when you lie. You start to mess with the bottom of your shirt."

I looked and saw myself doing that. "Ok, maybe I'm a little scared of you, but please, don't trust Blaze!"

I saw Alex walking towards the door. "I need to take a walk." Before I could say anything else, he left.

Stayed watching the door for a few minutes, hoping he would walk right back in, but I knew that wasn't the case. I messed up badly.

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