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Alex's POV

I kept having the same dream all night. I was in the same dark room, filling with smoke and that fiery figure staring at me. When I would wake up, I could swear that I saw smoke in my room.

The morning couldn't come any sooner. I got out of bed, tired. I got changed into a shirt. I wasn't paying much attention, it was probably a green shirt. I thought I saw something in the mirror, but when I turned around, there was nothing.

I can't help but feel something big is going to happen, maybe.... No. That's impossible. The fire prophecy can't be real, right?

Aaron's POV

Dreams are weird. One minute you're on an island with the boy of your dreams (don't ask) the next, you're in a sword fight using an ice shield and sword against someone with a fire sword.

I talked to my grandmother about the dream. She told me that I should take it seriously. "You're a part of the fire prophecy. Anything that has to do with it should be noted" She said.

I nodded and continued to pack my things for school.

"You know, your parents would have been so proud of you" she continued "When you were born, they had a feeling you were destined for great things."

"But, what if I'm not. What if I never find the person with fire powers before it's too late, and the world is destroyed?" I refuted. I can be a bit pessimistic at times, but it's true. I can't be certain if I'll meet them in time.

"Aaron, you were chosen to have this ability and you are the most brightest, most determined person I know. If anyone can save the world, it will be you"

"Thanks, I needed that. I'm... just confused. There's so much stuff I need to learn quickly. Maybe I can find some information at school." I started to head for the door, but was stopped again by Grandma, holding a piece of paper.

"Before you go, I want you to have this. I printed out the actual prophecy for you to read. It might be important"

I took the paper and thanked her. I head out and walked to school.

Alex's POV

I never realized how long it takes to get to school. Every-so-often, I would start to doze off, being rudely awakened by Laf.

"Frère, are you ok? It looks like you got no sleep" he asked.

"That's because I didn't get sleep. I kept having this bad nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"NO!" I yelled aggressively. Realizing the look on Laf's face, I realized I had to say that different. "I mean, no. You wouldn't understand." Laf nodded and we remained silent.

What just happened. I didn't mean to yell. It was like I wasn't in control of my actions. I don't know what's happening. I think I'll take a nap when we reach school.

Aaron's POV

As I reached the entrance of the school, I noticed people staring at me while talking to their friends.  It might have been because of my talent. They were probably talking about the prophecy. I brushed it off and tried to look for Alex and his friends.

I saw Alex lying down on a bench. He seemed fast asleep. I sat next to him. He didn't respond. I think he didn't get much sleep.

Alex started mumbling in his sleep. I couldn't tell what he was saying. His hands were twitching too.

Before anything else could happen, the bell rang for students to go to first period. I went to wake up Alex, but he quickly sat up breathing heavily before I did anything.

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