The Flashback Chapter

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Alex's POV

It's hard to focus when there's a literal demon trying to possess you. Thankfully, Blaze has seemed to quiet down and let me think, but I'm not going to let my guard down.

I was deep into my thoughts when I was tapped on the shoulder by my robotics teacher, Mr. Franklin.

"Alexander, are you listening?" He asked.

"Yeah. You're talking about coding and how to get a program to do something" I said.

"Ok, at least you're listening. I don't want you to accidently program something to self-destruct instead of picking up boxes."

I nodded and he went back to talking. I always hated this class. I originally decided to take this class because I thought it would be an easy A. Boy was I wrong.

I heard Thomas Jefferson whisper to his friend when Mr. Franklin turned his back. "Or Alex would program somethin' to help him destroy the world." He laughed.

I tried to manage my anger and ignore them. There was a small part of me that wanted to go up to them and blast them with a fireball. I ignored it.

With this new knowledge of my abilities I am able to look back on a lot of things from my past that I couldn't explain.

FLASHBACK Jan 5, 2011

James' POV

Alex and I waited until our parents finished their argument. They were always about little things. Alex would ask me why they were fighting and I would answer that it's what grown ups do. He'll learn when he's older how harsh the world is. For now, I should protect his 10-year-old innocence.

I told Alex to follow me into the living room. He did and then sat on the couch. I made a fire in the fireplace to keep him occupied. He's always had a fascination with fire.

As he stared at it, I decided to check up on Mom and Dad. Sure enough, they were arguing over something. I decided to eavesdrop through the door to hear their conversation.

"We have to go. This is the chance of the lifetime" Dad said.

"We can't just drop everything. I love living here and so do the kids" Mom refuted.

"Well either we're all going, or I'm going. Or, perhaps, it would be best for you to stay so Alexander doesn't do something stupid and I can bring James with me."

I didn't understand what they were talking about. Did Dad want us to move? Why does he want Alex to stay here? I listened closely.

"How dare you! If one of us is going, everyone else is too"

"You can't be serious. There's something off about Alexander. He causes a lot of trouble"

"It's because he's a child. All children are a little mischievous."

"I'm not talking about mischief. I'm talking about something evil."

Why would there be something evil about Alex? As I thought that, I could smell smoke coming from the living room. "Oh no" I said to myself.

I quickly ran there while trying to remember if I closed the fireplace after I made the fire. As I got there, I saw Alex near the open fireplace with fear. I quickly took his hand and yanked him out of the room.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I asked.

"I'm ok. I don't know what happened"

"What do you remember?"

"Looking at the fire and then I was suddenly right in front of it."

Our parents must've heard the commotion, and ran over to us.

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