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Alex's POV

Winter break couldn't come any sooner. It's been about two weeks since Aaron and I started dating and nothing bad has happened so far.

During the break, it's tradition for my family to visit somewhere. Last year it was to Europe and I'm not being told where we're going this year.

John's going with us too. He doesn't like spending the holidays with his family because of his father. Herc was supposed to go, but his family is traveling to Ireland, so we have an extra seat.

A week before the trip, I texted Aaron.

Me: Hey, Aaron. Are you doing anything over the break?

Aaron <3: No. My grandmother and I don't really celebrate the holidays anymore since my grandfather died

Me: Oh. What do you think about going with my family on a trip next week?

Aaron <3: Where?

Me: IDK but it might be out of the country.

Aaron <3: It seems like fun. I have a passport. Is it just you and your family?

Me: John's also going

Aaron <3: I'll ask my grandmother if I can go

Aaron <3: Good news, I'm going with you guys


I put down my phone and told Mom and Dad that Aaron would be going.

"That's great, tell him that we'll be at the airport Saturday at 11am" Dad said.

"Got it!"

A week passed and I was ecstatic. I would get to be traveling with Aaron. Could this day get any better?

We met Aaron at the airport, and we went to get our tickets.

As we were in line, I remembered something and asked dad, "Where are we going, anyway?"

"Well, your mother and I figured that since it was winter, we would travel somewhere warmer for the week"

"Cool, are we going to Florida? Puerto Rico? Australia?" I guessed.


"Well, where is it? I want to do enough research before we go on the plane so we don't get lost"

"I don't think we'll have a problem being lost"

I was confused at first, then I was given my plane ticket. I looked at it and saw what it said. 'Nevis'

"No way. This is awesome! I've been wanting to visit for a while. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

We all got our tickets and waited for the plane to be ready

John's POV (Didn't expect this did ya?)

I texted Peggy that we would be going on the plane soon.

Pegleg: Be safe! Text me when you land

Me: Of course <3

I put my phone down and I felt someone behind me.

"Are you texting your girlfriend?" Laf said, making me jump.

"Jesus! Laf, You scared me. I didn't know you were there"

He laughed "Sorry, I wanted to let you know that we should be getting on the plane soon"

"Got it!"

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