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Aaron's POV

I stared at the TV as it gave the news.

"So far, the fire user has been revealed to have been a 17 year-old named Alexander Hamilton. We have yet to uncover the name of the hero who stopped the prophecy but it is revealed that they are 16 years old. Sadly, there was one death due to this. It was a 21 year-old named James Hamilton Jr. Thankfully, it could have been much worse."

I turned off the TV. I was no hero. I was the person who let my soulmate die. I do not deserve praise for what I've done.

Grandma turned the TV back on and switched it to one of those old sitcoms. Once she changed it to the channel, she said, "If you want, you can stay home another day."

"No. It's been three days. I've already missed so much schoolwork as it is. I can't afford to drop a grade because of this" I responded. She frowned and looked back to watching her show.

Once it was time for me to head to school, I said bye and walked out the door.

Lafayette's POV

It's quiet without Alex. It's been difficult for everyone. I miss his sarcastic remarks and his silly jokes. It's not the same without him and it will never be the same.

No one spoke at breakfast. It's been like that for a couple of days. We just eat in silence.

After, Dad and I head to school. Once again, neither of us talk. I carelessly stare out the window of the car, not paying attention to what's happening around me.

Mon frère me manque. 

John's POV

I woke up earlier than usual today to not have to deal with my father. I got dressed and brushed my, now short, hair.

I decided I would eat breakfast at school and left my house before anyone woke up.

I got here a little earlier than I normally do, so not many people were here yet. I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast, then I went to the courtyard to eat. I saw Aaron sitting on one of the benches. He hasn't been to school in days. I sat next to him. He had no emotion on his face.

I decided to start a conversation. "I'm glad you decided to go to school today" I said in a happy tone.

"It's not like I had a choice. It was either this, or my grades fall." He responded in an emotionless tone.

"People have missed you. You're what everyone's been talking about." 

"What are they saying? That I'm a hero? That I stopped a prophecy? That I'm something I'm not?" His tone became more angry with each sentence. "I've been watching the news. People are spreading lies about Ale-... about him. Saying that he had issues from his upbringing. Blaze is never even mentioned!" Ice was forming around him.

"Aaron, calm down. You're yelling"

He quieted down. "I'm sorry. I'm just... I miss him so very much" He was almost in tears. I put my arm around Aaron to comfort him.

We had a moment of silence. "Promise me something." Aaron looked at me. "Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid. I know losing a loved one is hard, but there are people to comfort you, like your grandmother, me, Laf, Herc and so many others. We don't want you to do something you'll regret. We care about you. Ok?" Aaron looked away. "I said, promise me that you won't do anything stupid" I repeated.

"Ok. Ok. I promise" Aaron wiped a tear from his face.

It must be hard for Aaron. He had just found his soulmate and then that was taken from him. Can't he ever get a break? I don't blame him for being upset, though. Alex was my closest friend. A part of me died that day, but I've dealt with loss before. It's best to be surrounded by those that care about you. Aaron needs to realize that. 

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