The Battle

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Alex's POV

"Leave! It's not safe to be here!" I wanted to say, but I had no control over my actions. Blaze forced me to walk closer to my friends.

"What brings you four here?" Blaze asked.

"Stop possessing Alex, Blaze!" Aaron yelled.

Blaze laughed. "How rude. For that, I won't. Like I was planning on not completing the prophecy."

I could tell Aaron was getting upset. "Leave. Now."

"You'll have to kill me if you want that" Blaze replied. Wait... Did he say kill?

Blaze used his fire abilities to make a fire sword and started running towards Aaron. With all my strength, I tried to slow Blaze down so Aaron had time to dodge. To my surprise, Blaze slowed down a bit and Aaron ran out the way.

I realized that I still had a little control over myself and I could use that to my advantage. I saw Aaron trying to do something with his powers and started forming ice. Once again, Blaze ran to attack. Instead of dodging, Aaron made an ice shield to block the attack. Blaze would keep swinging his sword, but I would try to slow his attacks to make them noticeable to block.

James' POV

As Aaron and Alex were fighting, I went to the side of the 'battle' to ask John and Lafayette a question.

"Why did Aaron call Alex Blaze?"

They explained to me that Blaze is a demon that possesses Alex sometimes. I knew it. Alex is too nice to cause the end of the world. An outside force would have to do it for him. That outside force is Blaze.

I looked to where Blaze and Aaron were. I noticed that Aaron was starting to lose. It got to the point where Aaron tripped and fell.

Blaze was starting to form a fireball to kill Aaron with. I knew that if I didn't do something, Aaron  would be killed and the world would end.

I quickly ran in front of Aaron and was blasted with fire. It hurt like heck. I fell to the ground and was approached by Aaron.

"James!" He yelled.

"Don't w-worry about m-me. Stop Blaze." I said weakly. Aaron wiped a tear from his eye and stood up. The last thing I saw was Aaron looking to Blaze with anger and determination in his eyes.

With that, everything went black.

Aaron's POV

Blaze has gone on for too long. He needs to be stopped. I noticed that Blaze had some tears in the corner of his eyes. I knew that was Alex. He was witnessing everything. He just saw himself kill his own brother.

Blaze, on the other hand, was laughing. "What an idiot. If he didn't interfere, he would've lived a few hours longer. Too bad, so sad. Now, where were we?"

"We were at the part where I kick your butt!" I ran towards Blaze and made and ice sword to hit him with. He blocked it with his sword. I fell back but didn't lose my balance. We kept exchanging attacks until I was disarmed. My ice sword flew out of my hand and on to the dying grass.

Blaze smiled and walked up to me. I could hear Lafayette and John running to help me, but Blaze made a giant wall of fire to block them.

He grabbed me by my collar. I felt the air below me getting hotter and more dense. Blaze and I started  floating a bit off the ground. He was using the idea of convection to his advantage. Hot air rises. The hot air was under us and making us float.

Once we were very high up, Blaze let go of me and I started to fall. Before I hit the ground, I was caught by John.

"How'd you guys get past the firewall?" I asked.

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