Masquerade Pain

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WARNING: This chapter and beyond will have 2 sensitive subjects. Cutting and a disease. The disease isn't real but it is like cancer in a way. If you are easily disturbed then please exit this fanfiction immediately. Thank you for reading. You have been warned. Onto the regularly scheduled chapter.

Also, I have decided to change (Y/n) from a Werewolf to an Ulti. What is an Ulti? You'll find out in the chapter below.

Onto the regularly scheduled chapter.

 Today was the day of the masquerade. Unfortunately, (Y/n) was heartbroken. How? Well, it all started 5 weeks after (Y/n) and Zac started dating. Zac was caught cheating on her. Zac said that it was an accident, but (Y/n) could tell he was lying. It was never the same after that incident. This was EXACTLY how it all went down;

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

Zac and I were planning for the Masquerade Ball that Edd was planning. Though, I don't understand WHY he would want to host it but, it's nice to know that we could finally get together and talk after everything. We went out to get the outfits and masks for Zac and I. We went out to the store and separated to find our items. ( Some really fancy store. Idk the name. I don't go out much :/ ) When you finally found your entire outfit, you went to find Zac. It took a couple of minutes before you found him but... something was wrong, terribly wrong. Zac was with another girl. You watched as he kissed and she kissed back. He kissed her passionately, unlike when he kissed you. You thought he loved you, you thought he cared. But you were wrong. Your hand curled into a fist and horns sprouted out of your forehead. They were black with splashes of red on the tips. A low growl emitted from your throat. He turned and saw you. But, instead of feeling regret, he whimpered in fear. For he was the only one, besides Tom, who knew of your secret. You were a creature called an Ulti. Ulties were hunted down for millennia. You were the last one living. He shoved the girl in front of himself and she scoffed at you, still not realizing what you were. You roared at her and wings sprouted from your back. Their magnificent but eerie aura sent shivers down everyone in a 100-foot radios' spines. Claws grew from your fingertips as a black mist circled your arms. When the mist had disintegrated, your arms were claws of a monstrous creature that only lurked in your nightmares. People screamed in fright. Little did you know, someone was watching. A certain devil haired man with silver piercing eyes. Well, eye. Your temper was lost, you were out of control. You were a nightmare. Ulties were dangerous. That's why they were hunted down. The same black mist from earlier circled around your jagged horns. Like rings of smoke that stood in one place.

Ulties were a mix of dragons, humans, and witches. Where do the witches come to play at? Ulties were able to cast spells and magic. Same as witches.

Zac called out towards you yelling, " (Y/n)! It was an accident! I swear! " But you didn't believe him. You sprinted towards him and tackled him. Your disoriented voice broke through the screams of frightened adults, teens, and children, " WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU WHEN YOU KISSED HER 5 WEEKS AFTER WE STARTED DATING?!?!? " He whimpered and tried to wiggle out of your grasp but it was no use. Your grip on his body tightened and you heard a snap. That got you out of the trance you were in. His arm... it had snapped. You broke his arm. You cast a healing spell to mend the bones back together. After the arm was fixed, you quickly sent out a mind-erasing spell. No one remembered what had happened except you and that devil haired man. Of course, you still broke up with Zac. So you had to go to the masquerade on your own. With no one at your side to dance with. You left the store after paying for your items. As you left tears dripped down your face. As you drove home leaving Zac at the mall, you cried. Not just crying. You were sobbing. Hard. You breathing patterns hitched and sped up. Your vision was blurring from the number of tears pouring down from your dull (E/c) eyes. When you had reached home, you stumbled out of your car. Grabbing your bags, you locked your car and headed towards the door. You became light headed. Knowing what would happen next you quickly unlocked the door and ran inside slamming the door afterward. You placed your bags down, locked the door and collapsed. You groaned as you saw blood puddling around the crown of your head. You reached for a towel the was hung on a rack. You grabbed it and placed it on your head. You heard footsteps and saw your Great Dane, Starr, padding around the corner with his tail wagging. When he saw that you were hurt his tail stopped wagging and he ran over to you. You placed a hand on his back and knelt by his side. He barked and licked your cheek. You gave out a small chuckle but then groaned from the pain. You used all of your energy to pick up your phone and call someone. You didn't care who, but you just called the number you remembered. Tom's number. It rang and rang and you groaned from the noise. He spoke up when he picked up, " Hey (Y/n/n). What's up? " You groaned in reply and said, " Help... " You gasped and fainted. He heard a thud and started yelling to reach you. " (Y/n)?!?! (Y/N)?!?! ANSWER ME! PLEASE! IM COMING (Y/N/N)! " He cried out to you. But you couldn't hear him. You were knocked out cold. After about 10 minutes of just laying there, Tom arrived, unlocking the door, with a spare key you had given him. The door flew open and he saw you on the floor, blood puddling around you. His... eyes?... widened at the sight laid out in front of him. He picked you up in a bridal style position. He whistled to get Starr to follow. He ran outside after locking the door with you in his arms and Starr following. He placed you in his car and Starr jumped in the back seat. The car started and Tom sped towards the hospital. After arriving there, they immediately took you into the emergency room. Tom and Starr stayed in the waiting room. Tom was balling his eyes out only being able to hope that you would be okay. Tom called Edd and told him to bring Matt to the hospital. Edd agreed and hung up. A few minutes later, Edd and Matt barged through the front doors and saw Tom and Starr. " What's Starr doing here? " Edd blinked before realizing that if Starr was here you were here. " Is she okay? " He asked on the verge of tears. " I don't know... " Tom replied with a shaky voice. Matt was balling his eyes out as well. Even if they didn't know what had happened, they hoped that she would be okay from whatever happened.

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