◔ ◔ ◔ ◔four.

254 18 6

dedicated to anyarwhal

eunyeon was getting ready to leave for the dance studio sometime at night.

her hoodie's sleeves hanging over her hands as she rubbed her tired eyes, yawning ever so slightly.

her body ached, from all the exercising and practice.

but to her it was worth it.

she smelt the faint scent of coffee from the back room, where the others would hang out, including seulgi.

she had only been there once, but it was nice to see everyone else laughing and talking.

the girl walked back to the room, her backpack slung over her shoulder.

only to see the familiar boy she keeps bumping into, as well as taemin and minho.


the boy looked up, a strong smile on his face.


"coffee? i'm not very fond of coffee."

she wrinkled her small nose in slight disgust, laughing with him.

"well, since we keep bumping into each other, let me introduce myself.
i'm kim jonghyun!"

she nodded, "i'm park eunyeon. but it's okay for you to call me yeonie, i guess,"

like he said before, "beautiful name."

she was flustered, though she returned the compliment,

"but, so is yours."

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