◔ ◔ ◔thirty nine.

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thats when she found herself miraculously at a park after that.

a trivial seesaw rocking up and down as a child and mother sat, chuckling softly.

she walked around slowly, looking around for dark heads and high laughter in cherish.

she had been there for thirty minutes, and was convinced that the three had already left.

it was fall.

the velvet leaves swoosh in everywhere as her coat dragged against the grey gravel,

and finally,

she heard it;

his voice. his ethereal, pure voice call out her name.

they caught in each others arms, tears cascading, soft kisses being pecked, and love traded as jonghyun and yeon once again found each other.

there was a soft ringing in her ears, as her blurry vision saught silhouettes of a small child and a tall woman.

"seulgi? jimin?"

"yㅡyeah its us,"

it was like eunyeon was free:

free of the cage of loneliness as she grabbed her best friend and cousin by the arms softly and embraced them.

embraced them like tomorrow didn't exist and yesterday repeated over and over.

and she loved it.

a lot.

YELLOW ! kim jonghyun.✓Where stories live. Discover now