◔ ◔ ◔ ◔ ◔thirty five.

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many years later ;

kim eunyeon was known for her traveling and distance once she turned eighteen years,

always wondering 'round the globe and her friends and lover longing for her presence.

for she had been gone for too long, and now her remembrance was like an empty wave, rushing onto shore.

but he, still remembered.

how could he ever forget the girl he fell hopelessly in love with?

the phenomena of his admiration was thought to be despicable by others,

but they were simply envious.

kang seulgi and lee taemin still remained the best of friends, even after taemin gained a boyfriend by the name of jongin,

still waiting for the return of yeon.

YELLOW ! kim jonghyun.✓Where stories live. Discover now