Chapter Three

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After a binge watch of Desperate Housewives, I made my way up to my bedroom before dinner to check on my Tumblr statuses. I flipped through the accounts, stopping at the girly one last. I had completely forgotten that Ashton or whoever he really was had messaged me earlier. Quickly, I pulled up the inbox and made a quick reply. 

ASHTON : Hey ;)

ME : Hi. How are you? Thanks for following my blog. Hope you enjoy it. :)

I tried to be as unspecific with gender as was physically possible. First off, I didn't want him to know that I was a guy and think I was a creep or what not for liking a whole bunch of girlish things. Second, I didn't want to make the mistake of mixing my official Tumblr with this one and tarnish my reputation among the small community I called my "friends".

Gradually, I scrolled through my Tumblr, checking out what had been posted throughout the afternoon and liking whatever my mind saw fit. Someone posted some "#justagirlthing" images, the Starbucks one catching my eye immediately. I loved Starbucks. Sure it was expensive and probably not worth it, but I was just like the rest of humanity in the instance where I didn't really care. I guess it was my way of connecting with all the normal people in the world. All the normal people enjoyed buying over priced, caffeine spiked lattes and mocha frappes. Personally, I liked their cappuccinos the best, with just a tad of cinnamon on top. 

My coffee meditation was broken by the sudden flash of a little red number beside my inbox. I clicked it, finding Mr. Catsup had messaged me back. 

ASHTON : I'm great, thanks! Your blog is pretty awesome, even though it is super girly. I wouldn't admit that a girl's blog is awesome to just anyone, so yeah! Ha, congrats to you on that one. :D

ME : Ha, gee, thanks. You know, guys can like girly stuff too. xD

Before I could really think about it, I pushed the send button. Instantly, I wondered if that message was too hinting. I shrugged, playing it off and changing to my cat Tumblr. I flipped through the post, finding some funny "Sherlock Holmews" post that made me chuckle. To be honest, I never laughed while I was on Tumblr. It more like I just let more air pass through my nose. Doesn't everyone laugh like that on Tumblr though?

"Henry, dinner time!" My mom's voice carried up from the base of the stairs once again. It felt like I had only been on the computer for a minute or so, but when I looked down at the clock I realized that I had been surfing Tumblr for a good twenty minutes plus. I put my computer on stand-by and hurried downstairs to get a quick bite. 

My dad was seated at the table, flipping through the pages of today's new paper. He still had on his suit and tie from his job as one of the head officials from a prestigious agricultural business that took up residence within our state. Basically, when you lived in Ohio three things where sure: 1) There was a heck of a lot of farm land, 2) You could be almost positive that it was always perfect weather for both sweatshirts and shorts all year round, and 3) We were only important during election time. That is how most of us saw it in that little state no one really paid much attention to, but it was better than nothing at all I suppose. 

I sat down beside my dad and pressed my palms against my pants. My eyes fell on the Micky Mouse child-sized plate my mom had sat in my usual spot and I made a small snicker. "Mom, what's with the plate?" I asked, holding it up so she could see. 

"I just ran out of the bigger ones. I was going to run a cycle in the dishwasher and I got caught up with other things. Sorry, hun." She said before sitting a steaming pan of meatloaf in front of my dad and me. 

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