Chapter Eleven

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I had prepared, with the help of Ashton, all the necessary -- and somewhat unnecessary -- items I needed to take on the trip of a lifetime. I was excessively excited, terribly anxious, and ridiculously giddy. But I blamed the giddy nerves on the medication that Doctor Myra had prescribed for me. It seemed to be effecting me more negatively than positively. But I wasn't going to tell my mom that at the moment. She'd never let me go with that kind of news.

So, with bags packed and anxiety high, I tried to prepare myself for this adventure. I had spent Friday afternoon rechecking my bags for anything and everything I could have forgotten. Ashton and I were to leave Monday morning and arrive in just a few short hours in Colorado. Then, we would find our hotel and take up residence there for the evening. There would be other things we did, of course, but they would happen as they happened. I had no real way of knowing exactly what we would be doing.

Nevertheless, the weekend couldn't go quite fast enough. Saturday dragged on, Sunday was slower than molasses, and the finally, Monday morning came. I woke bright and early and changed into the most comfortable clothes I could find. Flying in a small passenger plane was sure to have its discomforts, but Ashton reassured me that everything was going to be quite spacious. I wasn't so sure though.

I took my bags downstairs and waited patiently at the door. My mom would be taking me, she had finally decided with my dad. They had had a long discussion about something or other on Saturday afternoon that I was forbidden to hear apparently. It was one of those parents-only-children-forbidden discussion.

But I heard the escalated voices and the slight exclamations rise from the bedroom. I knew that the topic was heated, and I knew that whoever gave up first would end up either storming out of the bedroom in rage or in tears. Neither happened.

So, my mom was the driver, and I was left to simply wonder who had really become victorious in the end. But I stood patiently at the door, grabbing tightly to the straps of my backpack that had once been used for high school purposes. Now it was full of clothes and medication that was "sustaining" my nerves.

"You ready to go then?" My mom asked, pushing the cap of her coffee cup down firmly as she walked toward me.

I nodded, rocking back on my heels a little. "Yep. I'm pretty sure I got everything."

"Socks, shoes, extra underwear?" She asked.

I simply rolled my eyes.

She persisted, "Do you?"

"Yes, Mom." I grumbled under my breath, grabbing harder to my backpack.

She smiled softly before taking a sip of her coffee. "Okay, let's get going then."

We both headed for the car, me dragging my bags along and my mom dragging her tired body along.

I was nearly shaking, my hands refused to sit in my lap. My eyes darted along the landscape with such swiftness that I was almost positive they were going to snap right out of my head. I quickly stopped as that thought crossed my mind. Was that possible? Really though, was it?

"So, are you excited?" My mom's soft voice pulled me to look her direction for a moment before a giddy smile danced on my face.

"Yeah. I really am. I've wanted to meet Patrice ever since I read her book, but this all just seems too good to be true. Like I'm in a dream or something. Oh gosh, I hope I'm not dreaming." I got wide eyed a second before my mom giggled and patted me gently on the leg.

"Don't you worry. You're not dreaming. I assure you that much. I'm glad you're excited about going. Your father and I are happy for you, as much as we can be concerning your previous episode."

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