My Prison. My Release.

146 3 1

Avery Hunt.

It's been a few days since I showered or ate anything proper. I feel disgusting. But I couldn't force myself to get up. I can't make myself  do anything.

"I'm useless, aren't I?" I laughed to myself.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table. 3 calls missed and a bunch of texts, that I don't feel like opening. It's 07:25 if I don't get up soon I'll be late. Again.

With a ghostly emptyness on my face I got out of bed, walked to the shower. Some say that if you shower under really hot water, you're trying to feel the emotional warmth that you're missing. I doubt it works, but boy does the burning pain feels good.

I steped out of the shower, my hair soaking wet, dripping water everywhere, leaving a trail after me, my skin steaming from the heat hitting the coldness of my appartment.

A tight black long-sleeved dress that ends just above my knees and black high heels with straps are my usuall atire. A subtle amout of eye make up and a nude lip finishes the look.

The restaurant I work at isn't too far from my place, I always manage to walk there instead of driving. Though thats why I'm usually late.

08:10 and I would literaly say it's a new record. I'm basicaly early today.
I walk past the reservation lady, smiling at her ugly frown.

"Calm down Aubrey, nobodys here yet, who even goes to a restaurant this early?"

"For your information, Mr. Miller is having a meeting in 20 minutes here. I expect you to behave this time." She lectured me while fixing her pencil skirt and her blouse.

"Oh don't you worry, I'll make sure to be the best me I can be" I patted her shoulder ruining where she fixed her blouse and walked to the back of the restaurant.

Noah popped up while I was taking my coat of. Hes so annoying, but probably one of the only normal people here.

"YOU!" He pointed directly at my nose.

"How dare you not answer my god damn calls!" He silently yelled at me knowing he sucks at pretending to be mad.

I shrugged without saying anything and next thing I felt was him squeezing me into a tight hug.

I love hugs. I adore hugs. But somehow I have created an image that I hate hugs. Maybe it's cause I rarely get them, never learned how to react to them, but the human touch always warms my cold heart.

"Okay, okayyy.. umm thats enough, you cry baby" I tried to push him away, but I'm sure he has me figured out by now so he didn't bother letting go for a minute more.

"Avery! Get your ass to the bar right now!" Aubrey is losing her shit as always when theres important people in the building.

"Gotta go use my charm Noah, talk to you later, ok?"

"Yeah, alright."

I walked past him messing his hair up.

I'm at the bar.

My work space.

My prison.

My hell.

My release.

The holy place of gossip.

I get to listen to rich ladies critisise eachother, cry about their marriages, make fun of their husbands, look for new rich men.

I get to be hit on by rich men, they buy me drinks, they flirt, they get to escape from their marriages to get wasted and feast their eyes on girls like me.

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