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I have Fridays and Saturdays off. Mainly because it's a busy day and Aubrey doesn't trust me. Good. She shouldn't.

My Fridays. They're fun.
Most of them end up being forgoten though. They disappear in smoke, they trip over powders and pills or drown in bodies.

But I guess I can't do anything crazy today.

It was about 12:45 when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who the fuck is it now?? Why can't I sleep in for once??!" I yelled tossing my pillow at the wall.

The banging didn't stop.

"Do you have a fucking death wish??" I threw my door open ready to kill whoever was out there.

Mr. Walsh was standing in the doorway, holding a bag of some sorts looking at me frightened.

"Uhh... uh... Mr. Walsh what are you doing here this early?" I questioned bitting my bottom lip, hiding my right hand behind me.

My hair is a mess. My eyes are red and leaking. Blood clotted on my wrist. I probably reek. I fell asleep in my lingerie after drinking, dancing by myself, taking in a few white lines, playing with a razor.

"I could't wait till the evening, I've been thinking about you, so I thought it's okay if I come early... maybe too early... umm I didn't think it through. Sorry." He brushed the back of his head turning around to leave.

"Stay." I caught his arm. "It's okay." I gently smiled.

He came in. I asked him to wait while I showered. When I came out there was a slightly sweet aroma flowing around my house. Mr. Walsh was in the kitchen.

"You bake?" I asked, drying my hair.

"What? Can't a bussiness man have a hobby?" He chuckled.

"Well that's kinda unexpected. What are you making Mr. Walsh?" I sat on the counter next to him.

"Cupcakes, if you don't mind ofcourse, Ms. Hunt." Walsh lifted the spoon full of dough up to my lips.

I gave it a generous lick."That's actually so good!"

"I'm glad you like it. It's gonna taste even better when it's done though." He continued mixing.

"Could you add some chocolate chips into mine?" I dipped my finger into the bowl, put it in my mouth and slowly sucked the dough of it.

"Ofcourse I can."

We spent most of the hour chating while the cakes were in the oven.

Mathew took them out and they looked amazing. Or it might just be me being hungry.

"What kind of frosting would you like?" 

"Let's do half vanilla, half chocolate, cuz I can't decide. They are both too tempting." I grinned.

"As you wish m'lady." He gave me a peck on my nose and started decorating.

He's so welcomimg, he's so gentle, he's so kind, he's so sugary sweet. He doesn't want my body, he wants my company? He wants to spend time with me? Baking fucking cupcakes?

What's wrong with him? He's an idiot for falling for me. I am a wreck. What if I hurt him? Ruin him? Shatter him? I don't want to destroy him, but what if I do? That's what I always do.

I went out of focus. I stopped listening to what he's saying. Crap...

"Avery?.. Ave?"  Walsh poked me.

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