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"Derek?" That's Mathews voice. He finally came back.

"Yes, Mr. Walsh?" Derek answered, politely as always.

"Where is Miss Hunt, Derek?" I heard him moving his hands. He probably crossed them.

"Miss Hunt was a bit of a handful, so we had to lock her in one of the bathrooms. Previously she jumped out of your bedroom balcony, Mr. Walsh." I couldn't help but laugh at what Derek just said. I'm proud of what I did.

"She what? ... um no nevermind, uh doesn't really surprise me."
Dickhead, I'll show you... You just wait!

He ran up the stairs and burst opened the bathroom door.

And theres me, sitting on the floor, by the tub, cuffed to a pipe. In any other scenario I would probably be siked to be restricted by handcuffs. But no. This is like a prison. I've been here for like 2 hours. Derek didn't even give me my phone.

"Proud of yourself?" Walsh smirked and leaned against the door frame.

"You have no idea." I didn't feel like giving him a smile.

"Promise me you wont try to leave?" He crouched infront of me.

"And you're asking me to stay in this rehab for how long again?"

"Don't call it that. Stay just a few more days?" Mathew took my free hand in his.

"Do you think I want to?"
I do.

"Doubt it, but do it for me? Or uhh... the greater good, but I don't think you care about it."

"Fine, I'll do it just to piss Aubrey off." A slight smile escaped my lips.

"Good girl." Walsh leaned in and kissed my forehead.

Standing up he called for Derek and he rushed up to us. Walsh took the tiny key from Dereks giant hand and set me free.
I don't think this rehab treatment was any good for my wrist. Which I'm happy about, but Mathew might not be.

It was pretty late when Mathew came back, bed time almost.

He gave me his shirt to wear and made me join him in his king size bed. It's really soft and comfortable or I was just tired, today was quite unusual, consumed lot of energy from me.

"I'm free tomorrow, so I'll stay with you. We can go where ever or do whatever you want." Walsh brushed my hair out of my face and caressed my cheek.

"Can we do something simple?" I murmured, eyes closing in, I don't think I will be able to stay awake any longer.

"Ofcourse. Also, will you be my pl... Avery?"

I dozzed off before hearing what he had to say.

I woke up late in the afternoon. Nobody interupting me, waking me up without a reason. I could get used to this fancy rehab life.

Mathew heard me moving and jogged upstairs.

"I hope I won't need to lock my windows and my balcony today?" His face radiated with happiness. It's really cute.

"Nah, I would't repeat myself like that. I'd try a new way of escaping." I jumped to him, steped on my tip toes and reached up to kiss his cheek.

Sleeping really does boost my mood, huh. I'm always lacking it.

"I'll warn the guys to have their eyes out for you then." He smirked and pulled my hips closer to him.

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