Chapter 1

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Hope you enjoy chapter 1. Sorry for any misspelled words.

"Fuck you!" I scream to my dad.

I soon hear the screen door slam behind me.

"Come back here young lady." He shouts back, but I keep walking.

Ever since my mom died three years ago, my dad and I seem to get into a shit ton of fights even if it's about nothing major.

Whenever we fight I just lock myself in my room, but today I can't stand being in a house with him, so I went to the local park.

Anyways, I went to the park and decided to stay there before it started getting dark.

"I should probably get going." I say to myself.

I started walking home when I sensed someone following me. I turned around, but no one was there. I shrugged and continued walking, but picking my pace up a bit.

I was at least two minutes away from my house when I felt two hands grab me. I immediately started kicking. I would've screamed but a hand was covering my mouth.

"We have a lively one." I hear one of them chuckle.

I soon feel my body being thrown before landing hard on cold metal.

"What the fuck?" I say angry and a bit scared.

"Hello beautiful." One of them says as he strokes my cheek.

His hand soon moves a little too close to my mouth. Big mistake.

I whip my head around and bite as hard as possible, soon tasting blood.

"Oww!" He screams "The bitch fucken bit me."

I soon feel someone else's hand slap my hard on the side of my face.

Normally I would cry like a baby, but I didn't want the fuckers to think they got to me, so I tried with everything I had to not cry.

"That's not very nice." The injured one says.

"You're the one who fucken kiddnapped me!" I practically scream.

"Don't scream."


"We don't want to get caught and your being rude by yelling at me."

I had enough.

I jumped towards him and started punching him until he overpowered me and flipped us over. He soon put a cloth around my mouth.

I soon start feeling calm, my surroundings are starting to get blurry and not long after, I black out.

*3 hours later*

I wake up and try to move. I soon realised I'm tied to a pole.

Shit. I say to myself. This isn't a dream.

"I see you woke up." One of them says.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"First of all who are you?"

"Brook. Your turn."

"I'm Nate and this is Matt and Jake."

Two people appear from the darkness.

"Now," Nate says.

"What were you doing out and about by your beautiful self?"

"Why do I have to answer?"

"I'm the leader here and you have to do what I tell you to do."

"Well you have a sick mind and you'll regret-"

He interrupts me before pulling out a knife and placing the blade to my throat.

"Let's try this again. What were you doing out alone by yourself?"

This time I answer because I don't know if he's lying or not, and I don't feel like finding out the hard way.

"My dad and I got into a fight."

"I know why."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean, you just met me."

"Well you starting punching me after biting Matt."

"Because you guys are fucken sick. Going around and picking people off the streets, that's wrong."

"So is biting people and punching them."

"Self-defense asshole."

"Whatever. Let's get to the rules." Nate says changing topics.

"Great." I say sarcastically

"First of all you can't try to escape and second of all you can't hurt us. Break any of those two simple rules and punishment will be necessary. Even if it means taking punishment to the next level."

"What do you mean by next level?" I asked scared to know.

"I mean I won't hesitate to kill you. I've done it to plenty of people like you. I don't like doing it, but I have to."

"What do you mean have to?"

"Curious as well I see. Well I have to young lady because if I let them go, they'll go and tattle on us."

I was about to say something, but Nate cuts me off.

"Since you broke one rule already I think you know what's about to happen."

He turns to Jake.

"Since you haven't done shit today, why don't you help me?"

Jake just nods his head.

I see out of the corner of my eye Nate grabbing a knife.

Jake grabs one of my now free arm.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers in my ear.

He held my arm out and I close my eyes before I feel the cold metal of a blade slide down the length of my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut even more.

When I open my eyes, I have a long but not deep cut. It's bleeding a lot, but not gushing blood.

"Matt," Nate says.

"Clean her up." He orders before going upstairs with Jake following behind.

Matt cleans my arm before he wraps it up.

I finally decide to speak.

"Why is he doing this?"

"I don't know." Is all he says.

"Your fine with doing every command he tells you to do?"


"Then why are you doing it?"

"I have to. One day he just came to me and said to work for him and if I didn't do what he asked, not only will he kill me, but he'll kill my family. Since I didn't know if he's lying or not, I just said yes and am doing everything he asks."

"What about Jake?"

"Same for him."

"Will you hurry the fuck up Matt?" Nate screams from upstairs.

"Yeah one second." He responds.

"Just don't do anything too bad ok?"

"No promises. Matt?" I reply.


"Sorry for biting you."

"It's cool. I deserved it anyways."

He gets up after tying my arms around the pole again and goes upstairs, leaving me in the dark alone and I soon fall asleep.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comments are always appreciated.

Thank you.

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