Chapter 10

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Hope you enjoy chapter 10.

"What the hell?" Nate asks angrily.

"Nate I'm sorry." I say, even though I'm not.

"How long?" He asks.

"Look-" I start.

"How long?" Nate asks again, almost yelling.

"8 weeks." I say, my voice soft.

"Nate, look I'm-" Matt starts.

"You, shut the fuck up." Nate growls.

"Nate, if we could talk." I say.

"No, we cannot talk. How could you go behind my back?"

"Well it's clear, I love Matt more than you. Haven't you learned that?" I yell.

"Nate, I really-"

Nate pins Matt against the wall.

"No you're not, you took her from me."

"He didn't take me from you. I never loved you." I say more pissed that he's not listening.

"Just shut up, Brook." Nate says.

"Nate, calm down."

"Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down when I walk in to see my lover sucking on my worker's face?"

He pounds on the wall creating a hole next to Matt's head.

"Please just stop." I beg Nate, trying to pry him off of Matt.

"Stop trying to get me off of him." He says as his arm swings back and hits me in the face, causing me to fall back.

I just stare at him before getting up, walking into the kitchen, and reach into the draw, pulling out a knife.

"Nate, I don't want to do this, but if you hurt him, I will use it."

He just looks at me.

"You wouldn't." He says.

"Really? Did you forget about your arm?" I ask.

He knows I'm not messing around because he stares at Matt.

"This isn't over." Nate says before releasing Matt.

As soon as he lets go, I drop the knife and run up to Matt and cry.

"Shh it's ok. I'm here." He says rubbing my back.

I just hug him harder.

"It's fine. I'm here." He says kissing the top of my head.

I smile.

"Alright let's go." Nate says.

"Where?" I ask him.

"To bed of course."

I just realized that it was dark outside.

"Night Matt." I smile.

"Goodnight." He says.

Nate and I get into bed, with me handcuffed.

*30 minutes later*

My eyes shoot open to the sound of someone screaming. Matt.

I try and run out, but remember that I'm handcuffed to the bed. Of course Nate was stupid to leave the key in my reach.

I unlock the cuff as quickly as I can and run out. As soon as I get to Matt's room my hand immediately covers my mouth.

Matt's laying on the bed with his hand covering his heart.

I brace myself and walk up closer. He's been stabbed. Nate.

I sit on the bed and rest his head on my lap.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He whispers.

"No. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me here." I beg, now crying.

"I love you Brook, remember that for me." He says before his breathing gets slower and slower, his eyes close.

Soon his breathing stops completely.

"Please don't leave me." I cry, but I know it's no use. He's gone. I can't do anything.

I kiss his soft lips once more.

"How'd you get out?" Nate asks.

I whip my head around before placing Matt's head on the pillow.

I walk up to Nate and pin him to the wall.

"How could you?" I ask, partly angry and sad.

"He got in the way of you loving me." He shrug.

"You killed him and I'll never love you. Why can't you see that?" I practically yell, slamming him harder into the wall.

"Feisty." He says smirking.

"How are you so calm? You just killed someone." I say.

"I've killed plenty of people, I'm used to it." He says.

"They have a family too, you know. How do you think they feel when they realize that their loved ones are gone?"

"Yeah, but you're not dead, so you're family's ok."

"They're not ok. They're wondering where I am, not realizing that I've been forced to love someone because they were stupid enough to kill their own wife."

He just stares at me and I know with me mentioning his wife hurt him.

I walk up to Matt's bed and bend down. I whisper in his ear.

"If you're still there, I want you to know that I love you, and you'll always be with me."

I stroke his cheek and cry.

"Sleep time now." Nate says trying to pick me up.

"Let me go." I say.

He keeps trying and that's when I elbow him in the face.

"God dammit Brook. Can't you learn to let go? You can't do anything about it. He's gone."

"Why don't you tell yourself that? You need to let go. You need to realize your wife is gone and you can't replace her by making someone else be her."

He lets go of me, and I fall to the ground.

He stares at me before walking out and closing the door.

Looking at Matt so calm and still, makes me cry harder.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I cry over and over again.

I hold is hand in mine, close my eyes, and soon fall asleep with me next to him.

Did you expect Nate to do that? Tell me what you think by commenting. Also, vote and follow me please.

I'm so happy I got to 100 reads. I appreciate you sticking around and reading my book.

Thank you.

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