Chapter 25

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Hope you enjoy chapter 25.

*2 weeks later*

I was sitting on my bed eating an apple.

Then I saw the lights of a car pull into my house.

Must be lost.

I shrug and go downstairs.

As I open the door, I hear a familiar voice.

"Told you I'd be back." Nate says.

I try to close the door, but he stops me.

I then turn around and run upstairs.

I was almost up, when I trip.

Really Brook? Out of all times, you trip now?

Then a pair of powerful hands grab me.

I try to fight, but it's no use, he's too strong.

He picks me off the ground and covers my hand, so I won't try to scream.

I do what I normally do.

I bite him.

He yanks his hand away from my mouth, before his powerful fist punches me so hard, I fall and hit my head on the concrete.

Of course, not hurting as much as the side of my face.

He picks me back up and throws me in the car.

"What the hell do you want, Nate?" I ask angrily as we start to drive away.

"I want you, baby."

"What part of "I don't love you" don't you understand?"

"The "I don't love you part." He smiles.

"Just kill me now." I groan.

"And let Matt have you? No way."

"Matt. I hope you're ok." I say quietly.

"I hope he's not."

"How could you say such a thing?"

"He stopped you from loving me."

"I never loved you and I never will. Ok? So just stop. You aren't going to win."

"We'll see about that, princess."

"Stop it."

"Stop what, baby?"

"Stop it with the names."

"Babe, I love-"

I slam him against the car.

"Stop it."

"Sexy and rough."

The driver laughs.

"You think she's rough in bed too?" Nate asks.

"Most definitely, boss." The driver says.

"You are correct." Nate smirks.

I look behind me and see the door's unlocked.

I quickly open it.

"No you don't." Nate says, slamming it shut, locking it, and yanking me back.

I start to punch him.

"Hey. I need her to calm down." He says to the guy in the passenger seat.

I see him grab a needle.

"What's that-" I ask, but Nate puts the needle in my arm.

I suddenly get weak and very tired.

I get so weak my legs give out and Nate catches me.

"Night, sweetheart." I hear him say, before I go into a deep sleep.

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Thank you.

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