Chapter 28

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Hope you enjoy chapter 28.

*2 hours later*

"I always wake up in the hospital." I laugh when I wake up and get my bearings.

"Not always." The doctor says.

"Excuse me. Most of the time." I say.

A few moments of silence later, my dad walks through the door.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah. They didn't hurt me as bad."

"That's good." He smiles.

"Where's Josh?" I question when I realize he isn't here.

He gives me a worried look.

"What?" I ask, holding back the tears.

"Brook. Josh got into a car accident three weeks ago." My dad says.

"How did it happen?"

"He was drunk when he was driving." The doctor explains.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"It was a pretty bad crash. Brook, he's been in a coma for a few weeks now and if he doesn't show any movement or possible improvement in thirty minutes, we're going to end his suffering."

They try to be nice by saying that, but I know better. They're going to to make him stop breathing. Stop living.

"Y-you can't do that to him." I cry.

"Brook. He can't live much longer."

"No. He's strong. He can fight through this."

I stand up and try to walk. Pain erupts and remember about Tom and the incident with my ankle.

So I begin to hop on one foot, probably looking really stupid.

When I reach the door I'm breathing hard.

Since I got up too fast and so much is swirling around in myhead, I get lightheaded and dizzy.

"Brook. You need to sit and calm down." The doctor says walking me back over to my bed.

"How can you tell me to calm down, when my brother is going to die?" I shout.

"Brook." My dad says.

"How are you so calm, Dad? Your son is going to die. Don't you understand that? Or you just going to give up. Just let him slip away. Let him slip away, like Mom." I say, angry.

The side of my face stings when he hits me.

"Don't ever speak about your mother like that." He snaps.

I was about to punch him, when security holds me back.

"Let me fucken go." I say, trying to get free.

I was too busy trying to break loose, I didn't even see the doctor put sleeping medication in a needle and puts it in a vein in my neck.

Not long after, I suddenly stop fighting and feel extremely weak and tired.

"Easy now." The doctor tells me before she stops me from hitting the ground.

My eyes get heavy and then, blackness.

*1 hour later*

I open my eyes and everything comes back to me.

Including the fact that Josh is going to die.


I check the time.

No. No. It can't be an hour.

I look at the clock again, and sure enough, it's been an hour.

I roll to my side, bring the covers of the bed above my head, and cry.

"Brook?" My dad asks.

"No. Get away from me. You don't care about me, you don't care about Mom, and you don't even care about Josh. You're just going to let him die. " I say, sitting up.

"If I wanted him to die and didn't care about him, I wouldn't have convinced the doctor to keep him alive long enough for you to see him."

"You did that?"

"I did."

"Can we go see him."

"The doctor said when you are awake you can." He says, helping me out of the bed.

When we get to Josh's room, I take a deep breath and smile at my dad.

"Go on." He says.

I open the door and see tubes and wires snaking through places and some going in Josh.

Don't back out now, Brook.

I get next to his bed, pull a chair from behind me and sit, facing him.

"Josh." I start.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm here. I'm alive. Just hear me out if you can, ok? You can't give up. After all the shit we've been through, Dad needs you here, but most importantly, I need you. You're the best brother I could ever ask for. Even though you we do fight sometimes, I always accept your apologies. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for that fight Dad and I had that night. If it wasn't for me being the stupid person I was, I would never had gotten kidnapped in the first place. I wouldn't have a few weeks ago, and if I didn't get captured, you wouldn't have been driving drunk, worrying about me." By now I was crying.

"Please, Josh. I need you." I cry.

Then silence except for the slow, steady beat of his hear monitor.

"Just know, I love you bro and will never forget you." I say kissing the top of his head.

I started turning around and walking out, when someone grabs my wrist.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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