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Hope you enjoy the last part of the story.

*2 weeks later*

(Josh POV)

"You ready to head out?" My dad asks.

"I guess." I say.

I look in the mirror and fix my tie before taking my car and my dad following in his.

*30 minutes later*

We get to the area were the ceremony will be taking place and I take a seat.

Surprisingly, they let Sean come, but he had to be in cuffs.

A bunch of Brook's friends came and some were already on the verge of crying.

It started off with the guy talking about Brook and how she was loved.

I heard crying and sniffling behind me.

I just couldn't believe it has to end this way. I'm going to miss Brook so much.

One by one, people who wanted to say something, went up to the podium and said some things.

Soon, it was my turn.

"As you all may know, I'm Brook's brother. We are all sad she isn't with us here today and we'll miss her dearly. Brook was the best sister ever, sure we may have fought every now and then, but we were always helping each other out in rough times. I just hope that wherever she is, may she rest in peace." I say before receiving claps from everyone and stepping down and heading back to my seat.

(Adam POV)

After Josh made his speech, I made sure my tie was straight before getting up and walking up to the podium.

"I'm Adam, Brook's boyfriend. Ever since I met Brook in the sixth grade, I knew I'd fall in love with her, I wished I would be hers and my wish came true four months ago. I would try to keep her safe as best as possible. Even though it's been a few months, I wish I could hold her in my arms once more. I'm going to miss her energy and that beautiful smile of hers. Love you Brook." I say before I get claps and sit back down in my seat.

*15 minutes later*

By the time the funeral is over, the sun's starting to set. I just sit in the car, letting silence consume me. Consume me until I get a knock on my window. I roll it down to see it's Josh.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey. You alright?"

I shrug.

"How about you?" I ask.

"Could be better, honestly."

I nod in agreement.

"I just wanted to give you something." He says handing me a necklace.

"It was one of Brook's necklaces, one of her favorites really."

"Thanks." I say taking it.

"I'll see you later ok?"

I nod before he walks away and I roll up my window.

(Josh POV)

I gave Adam the necklace because I felt like he needed a piece of Brook, so she'll always be with him.

I then decided to head home. My dad said he had to go do something, by which the looks of it, meant he needed a drink from the bar. I wanted to go too, but I figured we both needed time alone to our thoughts.

*30 minutes later*

By the time I had reached home, it was dark out. Once I had gotten inside, I took off my tie and took a visit to Brook's room.

I flipped on the light switch and already her room brings back tons of memories. We've lived in this house since Brook was born. Her room evolving with her age.

"God, this house will miss her presence." I sigh.

I jump onto my bed and take my shoes off. Thinking of Brook more, causes me to actually cry. I'm surprised I didn't cry earlier, but now that reality has kicked in, I know that she's actually gone and there's no bringing her back.

All we're going to have to do is have her be missed and be in our minds.

So what'd you think? I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading this book. It means a lot to me. I have decided that I might make another kidnapping based book. It's up to you guys though, if you do want me to write another one, let me know in the comments and I will. I will also be releasing the first chapter of another book maybe next Monday. Don't forget to leave a vote and thanks again.

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