Something you do that he does not like

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Something you do that he doesn't like:

Darry-you get to sarcastic sometimes and you won't stop.

Soda-you are very quiet. There's nothing wrong with that but he wants you to talk to him more.

Two bit- you are always on the go. After a long day all he wants to do is chill out but you are always on the go.

Steve-you are always tapping your fingers... hard... and he has to hold your hand sometimes to keep you from doing it.

Dally- you never talk to the gang. You don't like to socialize with them and he doesn't know why.

Ponyboy-he doesn't like how your room is always messy.he doesn't  like that when he goes over to your house he has nowhere to sit.

Johnny-he dosnt like when you interrupt him when he is talking. He rarely talked but when he does you always interrupt.

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