His first impression of you

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Y/e/c= your eye color (in Steve's preference only)
His first impression of you

Darry-he was in awe. He wasn't a person that really liked a person because of looks but you blew him away with yours. He had never seen anyone as beautiful as you. He may of had took off his shirt in front of you.

Two bit- when he touched your butt he was expecting to get slapped but instead you laughed and touch his arm. And he loved the sound of your laugh instantly. It was like music to his ears. And when he saw your Minnie shirt he knew it was meant to be. He would always show that cheesy smile around you .

Steve-he quickly got out of this seat when he saw you run up to the DX. You fell on the ground and said that you needed help from the socs. He helped you up and looked into your sparking (y/e/c) and it was the most amazing thing he had ever looked at. After he beat up the socs you guys became best friends and he would always make sure that you were safe. He would put his hands threw his hair when he saw you.

Dally-he was drunk until he looked across the room and saw you. He smirked and walked over but instead of you flirting to him you threw a sassy remark at him. You almost seemed to classy to be here. And he knew instantly that you were going to be more than a one night stand. He winked every time he saw you.

Sodapop-sodapop actually hates when girls are crowding him and telling him that he looks like a god. So when you walked in the DX with nobody else and bought your stuff and just got in your car he liked you instantly. You weren't a girl who are wearing tight skirt and to much makeup. Everyday after that you would have small talk and he loved it. And he loved you. He couldn't help but bite his lip when you were around.

Johnny- you were at the lot when Johnny showed up crying. He sat all by himself and you went over and comforted him. You asked him what was wrong and you hugged him and told him everything was going to be alright. That is when you knew that you guys were going to be best friends for the rest of your life. When he sees you he would look down and smile to himself

Ponyboy-ponyboy is very clumsy. When he ran into you and saw you pick up his book he felt like he was in a movie because of your movie star looks and because you met in such a cheesy way. He couldn't help but blush every time you saw each other in the hallway

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