The item of clothing you take from him

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Darry- his black t shirt- there was a big height difference so it was basically a dress on you so you loved it

Two bit-his Mickey Mouse shirt. You would sneak one ever so often and he loved it. It was big on you and he loves seeing you bounce around in it. Also it turned him on 😏

Steve- his DX shirt. You loved it but it was always dirty. But you did love to change his name on his name tag with marker and see if he notices

Dally-his leather jacket- it looks great on you. But it also marks you as his

Soda-his flannels. You thought it was the comfiest thing ever. And also it always smells like him and when he is not there with you, you like to smell it

Johnny-his jean jacket. Not only did he think you looked good in it, but you thought he looked good in it. It made him look tough so you always ware it to feel safe.

Ponyboy-his sweatshirts. It makes you look tough. And pony isn't stopping you. He thinks you look adorable

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