Habits that he has

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Habits he has

Darry-get distracted very easily. Example- he is a very busy person and he always has a lot to do but he still wants to be with you all the time. You will be talking to him about something and he will just stare into space. And it is very annoying.but he apologizes every time

Two bit-he laughs at random times. Examples: you will be talking about animals or school and in the middle of you talking he will laugh really loud and it wasn't even funny.

Steve-he always brings cars into a conversation. Even if is has nothing to do with cars Examples: "do you want me to make some cookies?" You asked. He answeared "sure. Did you know that the car I am working on is a 1950 Ford.....etc....

Dally-giving people evil looks without really meaning to. Example: you will be out to eat and he will just stare off into space and people will say "why are you looking at me like that?" And he would get mad and say "I'm not looking at you in anyway" and than you would have to jump in and explain to them that he didn't mean it.

Soda-taping his foot, really loud. Example: anywhere you are he will think of some kind of song and he will tap his foot very loud and it is very annoying but you also love it.

Johnny-biting his nails example- you will be sitting there and watching TV or looking at the stars and than hear a clicking sound. You will look at him and he will be biting his nails until they bleed.

Ponyboy-whistling. He always whistles at random times. You will be watching your guys favorite movie grease and he will start whistling without knowing it.

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