Your biggest fear and what he does to stop that from happening

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Your biggest fear and how he prevents it from happening

Darry-spiders. He makes sure that that dost happen buy spraying bug repellent Every few weeks.

Two bit-snakes. He prevents that from happening from well.. making sure that where you live there aren't any snakes.

Steve-small spaces. He prevents this by making sure that you don't go anywhere with a lot of small rooms or a lot of people.

Dally- clowns. He prevents this from happening by not going to any carnivals or in places where there might be clowns.

Soda- heights. He prevents this from happening by making sure you go nowhere that has heights.

Johnny-dogs. You never liked dogs and you don't know why. He makes sure that you don't go to someone's house that has a dog and if you seen one when you are walking he will hold you close and make sure that nothing will happen.

Ponyboy-doctors. You watched movies with weird doctors and you just hated it. When you had to go to the doctors pony made sure that you were calm and that he would whisper in your ear that everything would be fine.

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