What you do that annoys him

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What you do that annoys him

Darry- you ignore him you when you argue. If you fight it takes forever to resolve because you always ignore him

Two bit- you always dress sexy or hot. He loves it but the way that the other boys look at you he hates it.

Steve- you flirt with other guys. You don't try to; it just how you talk it sounds like you are and he gets jelous

Dally-you cry very easily. He knows it's not your fault but you always cry for no reason or if someone calls you a bad name

Soda-you love to mess with his hair. He hates when you mess with his hair because he likes his hair to be perfect

Johnny-you won't argue with him.you always let him win an argument and he hates how he can't stick up for yourself

Ponyboy-you always are so interested in a book or movie that you don't pay attention to him sometimes. You feel bad though

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