Chapter 3: Dinner that evening

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When I got home that night, I talked to my parents and told them all about my day and how I met that rude guy. How at first I thought he was sexy until he was rude to me then he went from so sexy, to soooo unsexy. But anyway we changed to another topic.

"Hey dad, did you see that we've got new neighbours?" I asked my father laying back on the couch.

"Yes dear. I forgot to tell you that's my childhood best friend Mr. Vitale. We're going over for dinner tomorrow night." He said, so chilled as if it was no big deal.

"WHAT?! Dad you're so chilled. This is a big deal. I don't even have an outfit!" I paced back and forth.

"Relax baby. I have some money for all of us to get a little something. I'll get you something nice." My mother replied to my breakdown.

I ran to her and jumped on her, giving her the big yes hug ever and kissing her all over her face.

"Thank you mom. I just need a red dress with some matching shoes." I looked at her straight in the eyes and she nodded.

We ate our own little dinner, said our good night's and went to sleep.

The next morning I did the usual and went to work for the 10 hours I work at the supermarket, then I went back home to get ready for the dinner with the Vitale's... Thank God I haven't seen the rude ass guy today. Or else I would have had a fit.

My mom bought me this simple red dress with spaghetti straps and white and red heels. All that complemented my hair and I just put on make up to complement the look too.

"Ready." I stepped out of my room and looked at my gorgeously dressed parents looking good in royal blue. I was left in awe, I've never seen my parents look this good.

We got ou of the apartment and walked to the Vitale Mansion. Before we knocked on the door we took last looks at each other and my dad knocked.

An elderly looking man like my father opened the door. I assumed it was Mr Vitale the way him and my father smiled at one another and hugged.

"George (made up name). This is my wife Abelia and this is my daughter Amalia." My dad pointed at us and introduced us.

Mr Vitale grabbed us and pulled us into warm hugs.

"Oh Ahmed. They're as good as my family." He said letting us out of the tight hug and leading us into the house.

It was so huge and super beautiful. I wish I could just stay there and be able to say that I stay here.

My mother met up with the beautiful Mrs Vitale and they both went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. And my Father and Mr Vitale took a tour around the house while talking about going into business together. And me, well I was left all alone so I decided to take a tour of my own.

I walked around the house and I walked into this beautifully decorated office with a huge mirror hanging from the wall.

I took a couple of pics because, damn I looked sexy (cover picture of this chapter). I then wakes out of the office looking down at my phone and scrolling through the pictures untilI bumped into someone.

"What the- YOU!" I semi-yelled when I saw who it was. It was the guy from yesterday. The guy that really pissed me off.

"What the fuck are you doing in my parents house?" He asked me looking at me up and down. Practically eye fucking me.

"My eyes are up here little boy. Oh so Mr & Mrs Vitale are your parents?" I asked him with a little attitude.

That was short lived because be roughly backed me up into a wall and pinned my hands above my head.

"Yes they are. And that attitude, you better get rid of it while you're in my space okay!" He semi-yelled at me and I got a fright and just nodded.

"You must be the daughter of my father's friend huh?" He said with his lips 5 centimetres away from mine.

But before I could answer we heard footsteps and our fathers loud voices coming our way and he let go of me and stepped away.

"Ahhhh. Kids I see you've met each other." Mr Vitale said with his hands held out on either sides if his body.

"Ahmed this is my son Russel." His father said pulling him in and he faked smiled.

"Its Russ dad. Just Russ." He said still fake smiling at his dad.

"Oh whatever Russel or Russ or whatever you are. But your Identification Card says you are Russel Vitale. And it'll always be that." His dad said once more walking away with my father while sharing a laugh.

"Kids these days." My father said looking back at us and then back forward thereafter laughing and disappearing into another room with Russell's father.

"Sooo Russel?" I said making sure that I dragged the 'so'.

"I'm Russ to you." He said with an emotionless straight face and walked away.

Once again I was alone in this huge house.

Seconds later Mrs Vitale called out that dinner was ready and I went back downstairs and got seated. Unlucky me, Russ sat right next to me.

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