Chapter 8: They're Back

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A month has passed and I am now 7 full months pregnant and Heck I am not enjoying this. I can't keep any food down, I pee a lot, I'm always tired and baby doesn't want me to sleep at night because baby wants to play. And Russel, well he's of no help because he's always out and comes back late at night, drunk and high as hell.

Anyways the old folks are coming back today and I'm feeling so uneasy, nauseated and nervous. I hope nobody notices how pregnant I am.

I hopped off my bed and went into the bathroom, did my hygiene things and walked out to get dressed. I just got a pair of black Kappa joggers, a white tee and a black oversized hoodie and just put on some white socks since I wasn't going anywhere.

I then looked at myself in the mirror to see if my belly didn't show and yes it didn't. And there stood Russel behind me looking high as fuck.

"Hey baby mama. What you hiding my baby for?" He said sounding as stupid as ever.

"Our parents duhhh idiot! They're coming back today." I said while walking to my dresser and combing my hair.

"Oh shit! That's today?!" He said laughing so loud like he just made a joke.

"Get out of my room and get yourself ready. They'll be here in 1 hour." I said to him slamming the door in his face.

I went downstairs when I heard him close the door to his room. And then I went to the kitchen to start dinner.

And about 30 minutes later Russ came down freashed up. Also wearing black Kappa joggers but with a grey hoodie and he kissed me.

"I've got a special dinner planned for tonight." I said to him while turning away to attend to my pots.

"Its smells good already" Russ said hugging me from behind and rubbing my baby bump. We heard the front door open and he stepped away and we went to the living room to ferret the adults.

"How do I look? Does it show? I mean does the bump show?" I asked Russel just to make sure I was on the safe side.

"You're okay damn woman." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Aren't you two matching today?" My mother asked putting her bags down.

"Mommy!" I screeched and ran to her and hugged her carefully so that she couldn't feel my belly.

"Awww my baby. You have gotten heavier. Russel must have been taking good care of you." My mom said as I let go of the hug and I started laughing.

"More like I've been taking care of myself." I said in a jokingly manner looking at Russ and he gave me a crazy look.

"My children. Oh how we missed you." Mr Vitale said hugging us (Russ and I) tightly and kissing our cheeks.

"Oh come on dad. You know you all didn't miss us." Russ said jokingly.

"Okay okay. Enough with the lovely doveyness. I made dinner. Let's eat!" I said and we all wdnt to the dining room, said Grace and we started eating and our parents told us all about their trip and how much fun they had without us. But funny enough they said they missed us. I'm not going to lie, I missed them more.

After dinner me and Russel cleaned up while the old folks got ready for bed. We washed the dishes and when we were done we said our good night's and kissed.

But when I got to my bedroom, I had a hard time falling asleep. Because I had the strong urge to vomit but whenever I got up my stomach would feel like it was being ripped out of my body and I'd yell silently. I heard the door open and there stood Russell's mother.

"Honey are you okay?" She asked me coming closer to me.

Bare in mind that I was no longer wearing something that hid my stomach. I was one wearing a tight fitting vest and my baby bump was very visible.

"I'm I'm fine ma. It's just period pains." I lied curling up into a ball trying hard not to scream because of the pain.

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