Chapter 11: I've put on the act for too long now

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It's been a month again of acting and now I'm 8 months pregnant. Me and Russ were supposed to be married at this time but I guess Mr & Mrs Vitale thought the acting had yo carry on for a little while longer and its pissing me off.

Me and Russ haven't talked about what he did to me a month back and I haven't said anything to anyone because I'm afraid he might get angry and he'll kill both me and his child since he is quite heartless.

I got up from my bed and took a shower. I then got dressed in a yellow Sun dress and some sandals since none of my other shoes were comfortable.

I then looked at myself in the mirror to see how visible my belly was and it was hidden enough and then I went downstairs.

"Good morning guys. I'm going out for a walk okay. I'll be back to eat my breakfast." I said as I walked out not even waiting for anyone to answer me.

I walked around thinking about how tired I am of all this acting and how I should just tell my parents the truth tonight. I can't hide this from them forever. After a lot of thought, I've decided to tell them tonight.

After my 2 hour walk, I went back home.

"Finally! We were worried about you since you left not looking happy." My mom said and hugged me and I fake smiled.

"I'm fine mom. I just need to be alone. And can all my food be brought up to my room. I'll be out only for dinner." I said while walking up the stairs and getting into my room.

I threw myself on the bed And started to talk to my baby.

"Hey baby. I wonder how you're doing in there. I really can't keep you a secret anymore because you're a blessing. I mean your grandparents deserve to know you exist. I know you think so too. So we're going to let them know tonight. How about that my little burrito?" I said and baby started kicking and I instantly got hungry.

"Well it's now or never baby." I said talking to my belly and getting up from my bed.

I changed into my pyjamas and wore an oversized jersey over them and had my bunny slippers on and then I walked downstairs.

"Hey family." I said sitting on the table next to Russ.

"Hey baby. Are you feeling better now?" My mom asked and I just nodded as an answer.

"Well let's eat already." My dad said and started eating and we followed him suit.

As we were eating I saw Russ fiddling with the table cloth and I knew there was something he wanted to say.

"Russell? What is it that you want to say?" I asked him and he looked up at me and stood up.

"Yes Malia. There is something I want to say and I want everyone to hear it." He said and everyone's attention turned to us.

"Malia, I really really love you. And you make me the happiest person. You and I both know that we hated each other's guts when we met but babe, I really grew to love you and I don't wanna be with anyone but you." He said getting down on one knee and pulling out a black velvet box and everyone's eyes went wide, including mine.

"So, what in trying to say is that, I want you to make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" He said and I looked around the table.

I couldn't say anythingand then I remembered the deal and I nodded yes and pretended to be happy.

There were cheers all around th table, even my parents were happy and I did not expect that from them. And I got hugs and everything.

"And one more thing. Mom and Dad, we have to tell you something." Russ said looking at my parents and they nodded.

"Me and Malia might have broken the rules. And now she's pregnant." Russ said and that was my cue to take off my jersey and my parents eyes went wide.

"You're what?!" My dad yelled and got up from the table.

"Please tell me you're joking. Malia you know how strict our culture is about getting pregnant before marriage? How could you just go ahead and fall pregnant?" My mom said with teary eyes.

I really felt like telling them the truth that Russ actually raped me but I can't.

"Mom and Dad Im so sorry. The baby wasn't planned. It just happened. In really sorry." I said looking down and trying to blink my tears away.

And then all of a sudden I got this pain on my abdomen and I let out a loud cry.

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