Through the seven gates of Hell

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Your POV

I walk to the back of Sans' house and I open the basement door. I walk through and I am greeted with a sign reading 'WELCOME TO HELL' I stare blankly at it and walk forward. "Halt trespasser, state you business." I look at the towering guard and step past him. He slams his claymore on the ground, stopping me, "I said state your business." I just glare at him and he flinches. "I am here to kill the infernal creature that cursed my family's bloodline." I say coldly and I send a shadow upward skewering him mercilessly.

Blake's POV

"How could I let him go like that?" I cry with the rest of team RWBY and JYNX comforting me. "None of us know the pain he is in so we couldn't have known." Jade says. I flinch at her words, "I did know his pain though." Jade goes wide eyed and pulls me away from everyone else. "Tell me what you mean because if I am right in my assumption and you can make it certain for me then I know exactly where to go." "He showed me his memories before and I noticed something was off in them, there was a dark pressure. And when he fought against Torchwick he sounded demonic when he attacked, just like in the fight with Cardin." Jade looks at me and takes a deep breath. "I know where to go to save him."

Your POV

I have gone through five gates and at the sixth one I actually have to fight. "You put up a good fight, but you'll have to try harder than that." The female guard shouts while throwing a blue spear at me. I wrap my arm with my black fire and punch shattering it into millions of small shards. "Look right now I am holding back so if you don't want to have a bad time you will let me through." She stands her ground and tries to launch millions of her spears at me, and I dodge every last one. "Fine, you asked for this." I say shrugging and shaking my head. I hold out my hand and five black strings come out from my fingers and touch her shadow, I pull up and pull out a creature of shadows. "Take her out Raventalon." I say and it slowly makes its way to her and cuts her in two with a swipe of its claw then it disappears.

*Creak Clang*

The gate opens and I walk through allowing me to see my next challenge "That's him (Y/N) he is the one who cursed us." I hear Sans say. I slide my mask off for a minute so I could breathe better, then I put it back on. "Hello young man I am the final trial before you are granted entry into your inheritance, (Y/N)." He says slowly with a soft voice. I watch him and prepare for an attack. "I see, the bonehead is telling you what to do." My uncovered eye goes wide, "How did you know?" I ask in a deeper voice with anger behind it. 'Wait I have never met this person so is Sans really just manipulating me?' I shake my head and then my eye burns blue and my hand rises without my control. "Sans stop!" I shout and my hand falls.

I put my hand on my mask and pull it off then I put my hand on my face and pull Sans out of my body. "Heh heh heh now I can finish both of you off!" He shouts and summons a Gaster Blaster and tries to shoot me. I get close and punch him, turning him to dust. "You have passed the final test, now I give you one of three choices to make. One, you can continue through the seventh gate and claim your inheritance as lord of Hell. Two, you can go back to the surface world and live as a normal Faunus. Three, you can leave here with the curses broken with a new gift." I look at him and the choice seems obvious to me. "I will go back to the surface and live as a normal Faunus." "Very well, just remember that the other two decisions will be here when you come back." He then warps me to the house I was in before I left into Hell.

I take my mask and look at it, "How did I ever let my problems get this bad?" I stare at it and it changes its look.

I take my mask and look at it, "How did I ever let my problems get this bad?" I stare at it and it changes its look

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RWBY Blake Belladonna x Male Faunus Sans readerWhere stories live. Discover now