Chapter 4

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Modern AU

Thomas's POV

I heard wheezing from the other room. James was sick again.

"Hey babe, you feeling okay?"

"What *cough* do you think? *cough cough*" shot back James.

I laughed. "Whatever. Want me to get anything for you?"

"Uh Thomas, shouldn't you be at school?"



"It's Saturday."

James looked at the floor. "Whoops" he said.

I sighed. "Want me to make you something for breakfast?"

"Thomas, I swear to Chuck if you make me Mac n' Cheese for breakfast again I will shove it down your shirt."

"Man, someone's hangry. How about I make some pancakes?"

I went and started making the pancakes, when I heard wheezing from James's room. At first I brushed it off, but then he never stopped. I ran into his room, forgetting about the pancakes (How is that possible?). "James!"

I called 911 and they rushed him to the hospital. After an half hour in the waiting room, I was finally let into his hospital room.

"James, baby, are you ok?"

James smiled weakly. "Yeah. The doctors say I have mild pneumonia, but I'll be ok. Thomas, I need you to do something."

"Of course Jemmy."

"Go to our house and look in my room. In my room there's a safe. I need you to look inside. The combination is 5224."

I nodded and rushed home. I unlocked the safe and looked inside. There was a black velvet box and a letter. I read the letter.

Dearest, Thomas

There is one thing in this life I want, and that is for you to be my husband. So Thomas, will you? Will you marry me? (The ring is in the box, if you couldn't tell already)

Love, James.

I started tearing up. I quickly got out my phone and texted him.


Wow, I updated two days in a row. Are you proud of me?

I'm going on a camping trip in a couple weeks so I'm going to update a lot more often to make up a for a week without updating. BYE!😎

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