Chapter 18

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I stood by the stove, the  burnt remains of my most recent attempt lay in front of me.  Around me were the charred ashes of my failures. I had taken the batteries out of the smoke detector so as to not wake them. As I started to get more eggs out, a voice behind me started laughing.

                       “Thomas, what are you doing?” he laughed. My face went bright red.

                        “I, uh, it, it was, uh, ha-happy birthday?” I stuttered, blushing brighter every minute. “You said chocolate chip pancakes were your favourite, I wanted to make the for you.” I looked down in shame. 

                          “Aww babe, you didn't have to,” he said walking over and wrapping me in a backwards hug. He buried his face in my back. “I can show you.”

       .                     He wrapped my arms around mine and started guiding my hands step by step. The entire time my face was redder than a tomato.

                          After we ate we snuggled on the couch. “Happy birthday babe.” I said playing with his hair. He snuggled up to me.

                             “Thanks. That was the best present you've gotten me.”


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