Chapter 16

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A/n: yes I know it's August I just wanted to write a Halloween oneshot at 3 in the morning.

Thomas's POV

"Come on James! It's not that bad!"

I was standing outside James's bedroom door, dressed in a black trenchcoat and a shit-eating grin on my face.

"Yes it is!" James replied, clearly flustered. You could hear the embarrassment in his voice.

"Come ooon" I whined, getting impatient. "I wanna go to the party already!"

"You realize I'm doing this for you, right?" James said, stepping out of his bedroom, face as red as Heather C's wardrobe.

I gasped.

He. Was. Gorgeous.

He was wearing a blue top and a matching blue short skirt. He had a blue headband with a bow on top. And last but not least, to top it all off, he was carrying a blue croquet mallet.

"I like Heathers too Thomas, but this is a bit much..."

"Nonsense my dear Veronica!" I said, linking arms with him a skipping out the door. "Onwards! To the Halloween party!"

When we arrived at the party we met up with the rest of the gang.

As was previously discussed, the Schylers where dressed up as the  Heathers, Laffayate(did I spell it right) and Herc where Kurt and Ram, and John and Alex where Martha and Ms. Fleming because we ran out of couples costumes.

"Wassup everyone?!" I said, walking twords them, arms spread wide.

"Nice trenchcoat, did your mom buy it for you?" Said Alex, dressed in full Ms Fleming cosplay.

"Shut up ya hippie!" I said, throwing my empty slurpee cup at him.

"Now boys, no fighting at the party," said Angelica, wagging a red painted finger at us.

"We're just joking around," Said Alex, with a cheeky grin.

Angelica sighed. "At least James looks pretty."

"Thanks?" Said James, not quite sure what to do with that information.

"I think next year we should go as Hetalia characters!" Said Peggy, dressed in her usual yellow.

"NO" We all said at the same time.

"It was worth a try." Peggy sighed, looking dejected.

The rest of the night went smoothly. I think. I don't really remember much.

What I do remember is waking up next to James on our couch covered head to toe in popcorn and jelly beans.

I need sleep

A Couple Of Jeffmads OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now