Chapter 11

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a/n I'm writing this at midnight because sleep is for the weak.

(edit: I deleted the 10th chapter so the continuity is messed up sorry)

I had the grand pacer test today. If you don't know what it is, you're lucky.

James's POV

"Bye Thomas!"

I pecked my boyfriend on the cheek and ran to work.

Kids my age normally have jobs at fast food restaurants and shopping centers.

Me? I'm a superhero.

I'm known as Punchman(I know I'm so creative). My archnemisis is known as The Ram.

I don't have any superpowers, I fight using martial arts and cool tech my assistant in the superhero business, and one of my best friends, Peggy creates.

The Ram is a human with ram like strength. He's also incredibly smart.

Today I was fighting The Ram when he captured me and tied me up.

The Ram laughed manically. "Now I have you tied up, I can reveal your secret identity!"

I thought about what he could do with that information. He would most likely target my loved ones. I wasn't close to my family, but he could still hurt my boyfriend.

"Thomas, I'm sorry I failed"

The Ram put his hand on my mask and prepared to rip it off.

I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, I felt fabric being ripped off my face.

I opened my eyes.

"There. Happy?"

The Ram started stumbling backwards. "J-James?"

The Ram then ripped off his own mask.

It was..."T-Thomas?"

Thomas immediately started undoing my ropes.

"But,...why?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just, I wanted t-to provide and make sure we had enough. I resorted to c-crime."

By then my ropes had been undone.

"Thomas, it's okay" I said putting my hands on his shoulder, "We will never starve, we will always have enough. You don't need to worry."

Then I leaned in and kissed him.

We had been kissing for a while when a heard the door being knocked down.

"Hello, it is I, Super Peggy, and I have come to save your bu-ohhh"

I broke apart from Thomas and saw Peggy in the most ridiculious costume ever, just standing there.

Before I could say anything, she started squealing about her "OTP" and that her "ship has sailed!"

Long story short, Thomas gave up being a supervillain and instead helped me fight crime, and Peggy occasionally tagged along.

Me and Thomas eventually got married and lived a happy life.


a/n I should probably stop writing and go to sleep, I'm seeing double. Sorry this sucks, BYE!!😎

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