Chapter 6

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Harry Potter AU

Thomas's POV

"Jefferson, Thomas" Professor McGonagall called my name. I walked up on the stage and put the hat on.

"Hmm... plenty of ambition, very cunning, and to top it off, you're very sarcastic (I'm a Hufflepuff and I'm basing this description off my aunt don't kill me), SLYTHERIN!"

"Is that good?" I thought, as I made my way to the green and silver table near the back.(Thomas is a muggleborn btw)

°°°°Time skip to 4th year cuz I'm lazy°°°°

"You checking out that Hufflepuff, Thomas?"

I blushed furiously. "Go ahead and scream it to the entire world, would ya Aaron?"

Aaron chuckled and went back to reading his book. A couple minutes later, Professor McGonagall walked in the room. Everyone instantly quieted down. "We are going to do a group project this week." Everyone cheered. "I'm going to pick the partners." Everyone stopped cheering. No one dared to boo.

"Since you have class with another house, I will pair each Hufflepuff with a Slytherin."

Most of the Slytherins moaned. The Hufflepuffs looked offended. I, for one was excited. I could be with James!

Professor McGonagall started reading off names. When she got to mine, I was on the edge of my seat. "Thomas Jefferson, and....... James Madison!"

It took all my self control to not scream like a little girl. I was with James! I had a chance!

He looked back at me and smiled. I think my heart exploded.

a/n: I was going to make it longer but I'm tired so I'm gonna make a part 2. BYE!!😎

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