15 - Relax

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relax - /rɪˈlaks/
make or become less tense or anxious

"Good morning baby." Gerald mumbled and kissed the tip of my nose. I slowly and barely opened my eyes, grinning and closing them back again.
"Baby, you're gonna be late for work. Come on, I made coffee..." He kissed my lips again, his fingers burying in my messy hair that was everywhere; long hair, don't care.
"And pancakes." Followed by another kiss, this time on my cheek.

"Mmm, wake me up like this every day, please." I mumbled.

"Someday baby, now get your peachy little ass up. I have to be at the studio in an hour and I'm not leaving without you." He started tickling me a bit, his technique finally working. I lifted myself up, stretched out my limbs, yawning like a hippo.
"That's my girl, get ready and come to the kitchen." He kissed me again before walking out of the room.

Truth is I was tired from the weekend. A lot has happened and we stayed up late both nights, having sex in every corner of Gerald's old bedroom. Add another 6 hour trip back to LA to that and you get a very sleepy me.
We arrived late last night.
After having breakfast in the morning, the four of us went out for a drink. I got to know James a little better and I have to admit, he's a good kid. Gerald was laughing again and Suzanne looked happy as well so I thought; a win win for all of us.
We also had lunch together before me and Gerald hit the road back home.
He didn't even go to his place, he came with me and I was too tired to move, so we took a quick shower and went straight to bed.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair up before putting on some light makeup. Then I went to the kitchen for some breakfast. He has really put effort in it, he even found my white napkins with red roses printed on them. The table was set and my coffee was already waiting for me in my favorite mug.

"Awh, you didn't have to do that babe." I said, taking a seat next to him. "It's very cute, thank you."

"Anytime! And don't be silly, you make breakfast for me all the time and not just that." He smiled.

Half an hour later I was almost dressed; by almost I mean as soon as I put my underwear on, Gerald slid it back down again. Off and on, it took me about 20 minutes to put my clothes on so they stayed on. He gave me a ride to work and before I stepped out of the car, he leaned in and kissed me.

"How bout you come over after work and we chill?" He suggested.

"As in, you kiss every part of me while we're watching CSI?" I joked.

"As in we order some takeout, I give you a massage and a blunt, you know... relax." He seductively said. "I know this weekend hasn't been what you hoped for."

"It's okay Ger, family comes first, I'm not mad or anything." I repeated myself. It was important for him to know that. "And yes, I'll come by at 4:30."

"Oh you will come, for sure." He winked at me, his mouth widening into that seductive smile.

"Make me." I teased, rubbing his bulge through his sweatpants.

"If you don't get out of the car I'll do it right now." He bit his lower lip.
I leaned in and pressed a kiss on his lips, sucking on his lower lip just for a second.

"Bye baby." I whispered and got out.

"Oh my god." He mumbled. "Save that for later."

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