31 - Perfection

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First of all, I would like to thank all of you who read and voted for my story. This was my very first G-Eazy book, which I didn't plan. It kinda just happened on it's own but I was writing it through a tough and dark era of my life so it means a lot to me that you guys took the time and read it.
More to come, I appreciate and love all of you dearly 🖤

perfection - /pəˈfɛkʃ(ə)n/
a person or thing considered to be perfect

Gerald's Point Of View
If I had to guess what my life would be like in a year or so, I'd probably say that sticking to my old routine would be a pretty accurate description. I accomplished quite something considering my business goals and everything; but I expected that. I was always working very hard, disciplined and determined to reach any goal I set, so being successful doesn't surprise me.
What does is the fact that in the middle of all the meaningless sex and a bunch of rocks I found a diamond, or even better - a pearl.
Now that, that surprises me every single day. I wasn't even looking, yet I found her. I rarely find words that describe her and it sounds hella cheesy but it's the honest truth. It's the only truth I know.
Cutie is one of those people that make you work hard for the first bit of her attention; that is until you deserve it. Then she gives you everything and anything. I guess she saw the real me inside, it didn't take her very long either. From the moment our eyes met to the moment I was lying next to her on the beach, just observing her tiny details and that beautiful blonde hair. She just knew her way around me, it's like she knew me already; everything she said, did, the way she moved and how she talked to me, it was perfect. Yeah, yeah... I know they say perfection doesn't exist but she's pretty damn close. To me she is the world, the air I need. I don't think I could make it without her.
You don't really know what you're missing until you feel it for the first time; then you realize how much you need it.

She stuck with me and now we're finally tying the knot. It might sound silly and I know you don't need to get married to prove to someone how much you love then but it means a lot to me and as strange as it sounds, I've been dreaming of the perfect girl, standing there next to me, saying yes to being mine forever. I called mom to let her know the big news.

"Ger baby! I was thinking about calling you."

"Hey mama. Oh, really? How you doing?"

"You know me, I'm alright."

"And James? How's college?"

"He's been doing great actually, also thanks to you... I think the idea of him living in LA got him going. How are you and Diana doing?"

"I'm glad to hear that. I'll call him soon. Oh we're great. I'm actually calling because something happened and I wanted to let you know."

"Yeah? Shoot."

"We're engaged."
There was silence and I thought I might've hung up by accident.

"Yeah, I'm here... oh Gerald... you're not joking with me are you?" I heard tiny sobs and wished that I could be there to hug her. Seeing a crying parent is always hard, even when there are tears of joy.

"I'm serious. I asked her a while ago but it might have been too early. Now she said she wants to do it, she's ready."

"Oh my baby is getting married! What wonderful news, I'm so happy for you two, congratulations sweetie!"

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