Divergent High: Chapter 142

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*the next day*
Four POV:
Today Tris is going to the doctor to see if she's pregnant. She vomited yesterday and to be sure she is okay she's has gone to check. I asked if she wanted me to come with her and she said it's fine she'll go on her own. I'm sitting at the dining table at the moment, finishing some work for my boss. I have exciting news for Tris when she comes home.

Just after she left, my partner at work called and told me that my work will be on an advertisement for a new bic biro advert. I'm so excited. This means I will not only have my work and name on a TV screen for more than just a few seconds, but I will also be paid a lot more than usual. I hope Tris comes home with good news too...
Tris POV:
I'm in the doctors room with a kind woman named Claire.
I take a deep breath.
She starts talking to me about how I have been feeling and stuff.
Then she checks my belly.
I look at the screen.
After a couple solid, silent minutes, she removes her glasses and smiles at me as I sit up. "Congratulations Miss Prior. You're pregnant." She says. Her words repeat themselves in my head till I manage to bring my attention back. "What?" I say. She laughs. "You're pregnant." She repeats. "Boy or girl?" I ask. "That, we don't know yet. But you will come back in 3 months to see whether it's clear. I've made you the appointment." She hands me the letter. "Thanks." I say walking out. My mind can't accept it. But my heart can. Wait it can? Yes Tris, it can. You are going to be a mother. Four will be the father. You can do it. Put a smile on, because you have your child inside of you. I put my hand to my belly. There is of course no bump yet, but I can feel someone. I rush to my car and start to drive home to tell Four the great news. I hope he's happy.

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