Yule with Ragnar Part 1

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The Yule festivities had begun today

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The Yule festivities had begun today. Ragnar's men brought the Yule log, and the ceremonies and celebrations were underway. We were officially in the heart of winter. There are groups of people gathered around fires all over Kattegat. There's music, dancing, drinking, games, children running about playing with wooden swords and little shields. The air is crisp and frigid, but the atmosphere is warm. There was a buzz in the air, and everyone was in a cheerful mood. I walked back to my cabin from the quickly filling great hall to change into a more formal dress for the Yule feast. The sun will be set soon, and I don't want to be late for Ragnar's toast in the great hall.

My hand maidens follow close behind me. I tuck my cloak closer to me as we walk, the wind nipping at my nose and cheeks. When we finally make it through the door of my cabin, we all race to the fire in the center of the room. I sit down and remove my cloak, putting my hands closer to the fire to warm them up.

"Which dress do you want to wear tonight, Princess Freydis? I laid out the most beautiful ones you've brought with you." My servant then walks around the bed and signals for me to come see. I take her hand and she leads me to the dresses, which are laid out perfectly to show off their unique features. In front of me are three beautiful long sleeve dresses, all adorned with glittering embroidery. A white dress with a gold pattern on the skirt catches my eye. The sleeves are thick and long, and the skirt has beautiful swirls and flowers sewn around the base as well as the bottom of the sleeves. The waist of the dress has a golden rope made from the same string as the embroidery. I point to that dress, and begin to take my current dress off. I pull the white dress on and my servant ties the back as I tie the rope around my waist.

"How does it look?" I look to my hand maidens and do a little twirl.

"You look like a goddess, my dear." My old hand maiden Ingrid says to me with a smile. She pulls a chair out and instructs me to sit.

"Let's put some gold and holly in that hair" Ingrid says as I sit down. She rebraids my hair so that it crowns my face but let's my long hair fall loosely around my shoulders and down my chest. Once she's done, I find my bearskin cloak and brace myself for the cold. I pull the head of the bear over my own head as a hood and make my way out the door.

The cold wind whips around, causing the skin on my face to tingle and burn. Once I arrive at the great hall, I send my servants home to their quarters for the night. I shake the snow from my cloak and push my way to the tables in the front. Ragnar was seated at his throne, and everyone was getting settled. I took my seat at the end of the front table next to Bjorn. I look up at Aslaug who is busy with Ivar, then turn my eyes to look at Ragnar. My eyes instantly meet with his. They sparkle at me in an all too familiar way, causing a chill to run through my body. I turn my gaze back to my table, but feel him staring at me anyways. I look to Bjorn, placing my hand on his arm to get his attention.

"Princess Freydis" he nods "you looks beautiful tonight. Not that you aren't beautiful any other night, because you are. You just look even more beautiful tonight. Wait-" I cut him off with a laugh.

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