Do you love me? Part 1

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Mine and Bjorn's affair started shortly after Porunn left, both of us having been hurt at the same time

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Mine and Bjorn's affair started shortly after Porunn left, both of us having been hurt at the same time. Our relationship started off innocently enough, but as time continued we became affectionate, which led to a sexual relationship. It has not stopped since then, years having passed. Our fates always staying parallel as we fought side by side together and came back home to Kattegat together time and time again. Both of us have married, had children, and tried to move on with our lives, but we always find ourselves drawn back to one another. Our relationship is both physical and emotional, but we have never tried to push it past what it is. I consider Bjorn to be my best friend, someone I can always confide in. He has never told my secrets or let me down. The sex is just a happy benefit of an otherwise great friendship. I think we both appreciate having this secret, having something so special between us that only we know about. We spend any free nights we can together hiding away, talking about all of our heart's torments and desires, laughing, seeking advice from each other, and taking one another's bodies however we please. However that is behind closed doors. While people know we are friends, we've always been very careful not to be too affectionate in public, afraid someone might catch on. We've maintained our precious secrecy for years, the only person outside of us two to ever know was Ragnar, and he too kept our secret.

I watch Bjorn as he slowly walks in my direction, not yet aware of my presence. He stops to talk to a group of men outside the blacksmith's stall and I admire his beauty as he smiles at the men. His hair is freshly washed and styled back, bound by small strips of leather that weave in and out of his long braid. He has on my favorite tunic that he owns, the blue making his eyes pop, the beauty visible from even across the city. My heart flutters as I watch him. I've never gotten used to how striking Bjorn is, how he commands attention from everyone who nears him. I absentmindedly string a necklace between my fingers as I watch him turn on his heel and begin walking towards me once more. His eyes finally meet mine as he paces towards me, a small smile playing at his lips. I can't help but smile back, my pulse quickening as he nears.

"Wynne" he says with a small nod and bow. I giggle at the gesture as he looks back up at me beaming.

"Hello Bjorn Ironside" I say back with a curtsy, looking up at him through my lashes.

"Where is your husband? If I may ask." He says politely, taking a small step closer and looking around for a moment to see if anyone is watching us. He barely moves his arm while reaching for my hand, grazing our fingers together.

"Unfortunately-" I begin to say, only to be cut off by my husband Arvid coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, reaching around and kissing me on my cheek.

"There you are wife!" He bellows, a smile plastered across his face. The mead on his breath fans over my face, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Hello husband." I say with a small smile and a nod, my eyes darting back to Bjorn's. I clear my throat after a few seconds, stepping out of Arvid's embrace and smoothing out my dress. "Bjorn and I were just discussing how we're preparing for winter" I improvise, earning a sly smile from Bjorn. "He's asked if I could weave him some new blankets for his bed." I smile at both men as I try to hide the uneasiness oozing from my body as I stand beside my husband and lover at the same time.

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