Trapped with Bjorn Part 1

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The clouds had picked up their pace, rain now falling forcibly to the ground

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The clouds had picked up their pace, rain now falling forcibly to the ground. Bjorn and I paddled the boat towards the shore in haste, now getting caught in a continuously heavier and heavier storm. We were both soaking wet, bracing ourselves in our little boat as the wind whips around us. We found the nearest clear land and paddled towards it. Once we neared the shoreline Björn jumped from our boat and grabbed the front, pulling it by the carved dragon up on to the sand. I jumped from the side, landing in waist deep water, positioning myself behind the boat to push. Once we got it settled in the sand, Björn took my hand and we ran towards the cliffs. Both of our clothes were sopping wet, our hair loose from our braids and falling on our faces. We both run towards the cliffs, stopping under a low hanging rock formation. We finally found a dry spot in a break in the cliffs. We both catch our breath, the rain now falling so hard you can't see past your own hand. Bjorn takes in my appearance and laughs, pointing one outstretched finger in my direction.

"You should see yourself, you're soaked!" He's now chuckling to himself while removing his weapons belt, letting it drop to the ground. He then sits on the grass and pulls his shoes off, setting them near the edge of our dry patch. He leans against the rock before pulling his shirt off, his muscles wet and glistening. Lightning strikes somewhere in the distance causing thunder to rumble out across the bay. Bjorn smiles and says "The God's are coming. Don't you feel it, Siv?" His smile radiates warmth, even through the rain. I watch as he settles himself against the carved out cliff, watching the rain fall in awe. He sighs and puts both hands behind his head before speaking again.

"Aren't you going to undress? You're going to catch a fever if you don't dry off. I won't look, I promise." He pretends to cover his eyes as I roll mine.

Bjorn and I had ventured into the woods to hunt. I was supposed to go alone but Ragnar insisted Bjorn accompany me. There were rumors of berserkers in the forest sent by envious and greedy kings who wanted to take Ragnar and all his supporters down. I tried to protest, but it did me no good. I've been handling a bow and arrow since I could walk, archery comes to me as easily as breathing. I tried to use that as my argument, but it fell on deaf ears. Bjorn and I grew up close to one another when his father was still a farmer, but we were never friends. Once Gyda died I had no reason to come around anymore, then once Ragnar became Earl I saw even less of them. My family moved to Kattegat when Ragnar became King a few years ago, sure that he could protect us. He took my family in and treated us as his own. Bjorn and I had shared some glances over the years, we even fought side by side in England, but neither of us were ever interested in anything more. He had his women and I had my bow. We had nothing in common but battle. I find him a bit arrogant and self centered, and if anyone had told me I'd be stuck with him in a carved out hole in a cliff before we came I'd have gladly stayed back in Kattegat.

Bjorn clears his throat, pulling me from my thoughts. I turn to him and give him a dirty look, warning him not to say anything stupid. I sigh heavily and dramatically and swear I hear him laugh under his breath behind me. I follow Bjorn's actions and start with my weapons, then my shoes, and finally I'm left with just my wet cloak to cover my naked body. As I undress I hear Bjorn rustling around behind me. To my surprise he had started a small fire, just enough to keep us warm and dry out our wet clothes until the rain subsides. The temperature is unusually cold for this time of summer, the rain making it even worse. I shiver and pull the cold, wet cloak closer to my body and settle down by the fire. Bjorn lays our clothes out near the flames, hoping they'll dry quickly.

A few hours pass and there's no end of this rain in sight. The sun has set, leaving a dark, moonless sky. Bjorn and I lay on opposites sides of the fire, both trying to soak in all the warmth we can. I reach for my clothes, hoping the fire has dried them. To my disappointment, they're still damp. My shivering has become more intense, my teeth chattering along with the rain. I groan in frustration, which earns me a sigh from Bjorn.

"Come here." Bjorn says softly behind me.

"Why?" I say with my attitude than intended.

"Don't worry, I won't look at you or touch you. You don't have to worry about a man seeing your body." Bjorn says with a sarcastic tone, mocking me.

"Men have seen my body Bjorn, don't be so full of yourself. How like you it is to assume that I'm innocent because I haven't thrown myself at you like all the women in Kattegat who only care about your surname and the fame you can bring them." I smirk and raise an eyebrow at him.

My comment earns me a hearty laugh from Bjorn, his hands in the air in defeat. "You're right, I did assume you were innocent. It has nothing to do with me though, Siv. I just assumed that attitude turned everyone away. You aren't exactly approachable."

"Well you're wrong. Some men appreciate a strong woman, and I mean really appreciate them." A smug look is plastered all over my face, but I'm quickly shaken from my self assurance as the wind tears through the air. The cold almost knocks the breath out of me.

"Come here, Siv. Seriously, you need to warm up. You're going to be very sick if you keep this up, and we don't know when this rain will stop. It's just for warmth. Nothing else. My father will be very disappointed if I only bring back your body." Bjorn kindles the fire as I go over my options in my head. On one hand, I am cold to my bones. Bjorn's big, warm body would feel incredible right now. On the other hand, it's Bjorn. Maybe a fever wouldn't be so bad? I whine and groan as I make my way over to him, letting him know I'm not pleased with what's happening.

"Turn your head" I say as I move closer to him, and he obliges. I remove the cloak from my body and toss it by the fire. I pull Bjorn's arm out and rest my head on it before reaching for his other arm and pulling it around my waist. The fronts of our bodies pull together, and I burrow into his chest. His warm body in front of me and the fire behind me is glorious. I sigh again, but this time with relief. Bjorn finally turns his head back to me, and looks down on my face.

"Better?" He says as he pulls me closer and gets comfortable so we can look at one another with ease. He reaches for his cloak that was closest to the fire and drapes it over my body, the fabric now warm and almost dry.

"So much better" I whisper, followed by a yawn. My eyes grow heavy as my breathing matches Bjorn's.

"Sleep, Siv. I'll stay awake and wait for the rain to stop. I'll wake you when it's time to go." I nod my head weakly and close my eyes. Just as I'm about to fall into a deep slumber I feel Bjorn move my hair out of my face and behind my ear. I fall asleep without reacting, surprised by the kind gesture.

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