Yule with Ragnar Part 2

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"By the Gods, Ragnar! Don't do that!" I say, one hand on my chest, one hand gripping my axe

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"By the Gods, Ragnar! Don't do that!" I say, one hand on my chest, one hand gripping my axe. Ragnar chuckles and puts his hands up. He takes a few small steps towards me while his laugh faded off.

"Why are you out here, Princess? Did you not enjoy the feast?" Ragnar takes another few steps forward. He stands only a few paces away. I can feel my pulse quicken with each passing second. I've never been this close to Ragnar alone.

"I enjoyed it very much, I just have a lot on my mind tonight. I have many things I need to figure out before the winter ends." I say plainly while smoothing out my dress with my hands.

"What is it you need to figure out at this time at night? During a celebration, no less." Ragnar says playfully, a hint of a smile dances at his lips.

"I'm not sure if I'll raid with you and your men come spring. I may go home to my kingdom and reconnect with my people there." I avoid eye contact with him, hoping he doesn't catch on. I pretend to be concerned about the snow falling down, which has quickened its pace. Ragnar smiles with the corner of his mouth before stepping forward. He reaches his hands up towards me slowly and the back of his fingers graze my cheek, causing my breath to catch. He lingers for a moment before finally reaching for my hood and pulling it on my head. His hands fall back at his side as he gives me a sly smirk. He knows exactly what he does to me. I should've known.

"My son Björn is very taken with you, Freydis. Do you know that? At the feast he told me of his plans to get to know you better. He asked what I thought of a marriage between the two of you." Ragnar looks around the tops of the trees while speaking. My eyes are glued to his face, trying to decipher any expression that could tell me what he's thinking.

"And what did you say?" I say a little louder and a little more eagerly than I meant to. I take a step forward, then step back again. Ragnar pauses a moment to watch a snowflake fall onto a nearby branch. Before Ragnar could reply I spoke again. "He is very good looking. Especially since his hair has grown out" I take a beat and admire Ragnar's hair before continuing "and he is already famous for his skill in battle. We would produce great Viking children." I twirl a piece of hair between my fingers absentmindedly. Ragnar is now paying very close attention to me. His entire demeanor has shifted from playful to almost somber-like.

"Let me show you something" he says. Before I have time to process him completely ignoring what we were talking about, he grabs my hand. I feel a fire burning through my skin where his is touching. He pulls my forward to walk next to him, but doesn't let go of my hand. I'm rendered speechless. His touch shouldn't feel this good.

We walk through the dark and snowy forest for a few minutes before we arrive in front of a dark cabin. Ragnar jiggles the door, and finally pushes it open. He steps inside, pulling me in with him by my hand. Once inside, he stumbles around until he reaches the fire pit in the center of the room. He starts a fire and motions me to come sit with him. I stand hesitantly for a moment before complying. I sit softly next to him on a chair covered in furs. I begin to remove my cloak as he fans the fire, which is now growing bigger and warmer. As I stand to put my cloak on the table, Ragnar stands too. He reaches for a torch hanging on the wall and submerges it into the flames. One by one he lights the torches throughout the spacious cabins. We sit in silence as he moves. Once he sits back down he remains silent. He puts his hands behind his head and rests his feet on a stool by the fire.

"This is where I come to be alone. Nobody knows about it. I was surprised to see you on my way here." Ragnar doesn't look at me as he speaks, he only looks at the fire. I remain quiet. I shouldn't have come with him. Being alone with him is making me too eager to touch him, to feel him.

Before I can think of an excuse to leave, Ragnar speaks again. This time he's looking right at me. "You know, if you marry my son Bjorn, you won't ever have to leave Kattegat. You spend so much time here, I know you think of it as a home."

"I do love Kattegat, and I'm sure Bjorn would make me very happy. There's just too many other reasons to leave. Besides, I think your wife would be happy to see me go." I smile at my boldness. Ragnar returns the gesture.

He turns on his chair, now facing me completely. He rests his elbows on his knees and leans forward. "She thinks I give you too much attention. She sees how beautiful you are, she knows you're a threat." He says it so plainly I'm taken by surprise.

"A threat? That's ridiculous." I say with a scoff. I shift in my chair, moving me closer to Ragnar.

"She sees the way I look at you. I think you see it too, and yet you've never said anything beyond polite small talk to me."

"I don't know what you mean." I lie, my heart is racing out of my chest.

"You are very beautiful, Princess Freydis. I've been to many different lands, I've seen many different people, and you are by far the most desirable human I have ever met." His eyes are piercing into mine.

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