Saving Hvitserk part 2

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Hvitserk and I sit down at a table towards the back of the excitement. By now the moon is hanging in the sky, the clouds dark and grey. Sigurd is towards the front by a big fire playing the lute. Men and women are dancing and singing, the sounds of laughter filling the air. I smile to myself as I watch two drunk men run past us, trying to catch a chicken. As soon as we sit plates are brought to us by servants, food stacked high. My stomach rumbles at the sight.

"Please" He says gesturing to my plate "eat as much as you can." He flashed a brilliant smile at me before digging into his own food. I don't waste any time shoveling the food into my mouth. I haven't eaten since first light today, then we fought for hours on the battlefield. I gulp down a cup of mead in front of me and pick up a chicken leg, taking a big bite. Hvitserk looks up at me and tries not to laugh with a mouth full of food.

"So where are you from? I don't even know your name." He says while chewing, washing it down with mead.

"My name is Annfrid, and I'm from the same place as you." I say while bringing my cup to my lips, smiling as I drink. Hvitserk puts his food down and pushes his plate out of the way before resting his arms on the table before him. I mimic his movement and do the same.

"You're from Kattegat? How long have you lived there? How have we never met?" His eyes are sparkling as he speaks, he leans in closer with curiosity.

"I've lived in Kattegat my whole life. But to be fair my parents are traders, so I have spent some time traveling. Other than that, I'm not sure why we haven't met formally. You walk by our trading post all the time." I finish the rest of my mead and motion for the servant to refill my cup.

"Well I'm sorry it took you saving my life for us to become friends" Hvitserk says with a smile.

We sit and talk for a couple hours, laughing and sharing stories of home and battle. Hvitserk tells me all about him and his brothers antics growing up, and I tell him of all the adventures I went on with my parents. We drink about two pitchers of mead each as the night goes on, nobody slowing down the pace of the victory feast. Eventually Hvitserk moves from his seat across the table and comes to sit right next to me. As everyone got drunker and louder, we got closer and closer in order to hear one another and continue talking.

"What are your plans when we go home? You should sail home on my ship with me." Hvitserk says in my ear before taking another sip from his cup.

"As long as you promise not to let any of these men touch me" I laugh, looking around "they have a great habit of forgetting personal space when confined to a ship." Hvitserk laughs at my comment before taking my hand.

"I promise. Nobody will touch you. Well, except maybe for me but only if you say I can." He says with a chuckle, pulling back so he can look in my eyes. I blush as he bites his lip and stares at me.

"Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?" I finally ask, holding my breath while waiting for him to answer.

"Let's go" he simply says before standing to his feet and putting his hand out for me to take. I stand and place my small hand in his large rough one before leading the way.

"I know a place." I say.


We arrive at my secret little oasis after a short walk and some heavy flirting. Hvitserk surveys the area nodding his head in approval before bending down to feel the water with his hand. He looks up at me with intensity, a sly grin on his lips.

"How did you find this place?" He says while sitting on the tree branch.

Feeling confident, I stare directly into his eyes before slowly pulling the woven string holding my dress together, letting it fall down my shoulders. "I was tired of being watched and bathing with other people, so I walked down river and found this little spot. I've come here almost every night since." I say while shrugging my dress further down. Hvitserk bites his lip once more as his eyes survey my body. I let my dress fall to my waist, his eyes lingering over my chest before I gently tug my dress the rest of the way down and let it pool around my feet. I step out of my dress and begin wading into the water, sighing with pleasure as the warm water soothes my still aching muscles. I stop when the water reaches my bellybutton and lean back, gathering my hair and pulling it into a bun and tucking it securely on top of my head. Hvitserk clears his through before shifting onto his feet. He smiles at me while taking his shirt off, pulling it over his head.

"Well now it's my spot too. I can't resist." He says while pulling the remainder of his clothes off. I try not to stare at his rather large member that was already a little hard. He sees me take notice and smiles even bigger, obviously not embarrassed. He walks into the water and groans, spreading his arms over the surface. I watch as he enjoys the warmth, trying not to jump his bones. His wet arms and chest glitter in the moonlight, accentuating every dip and curve of his toned muscles. He begins moving closer to me, his hands finding my waist underwater. He tugs my body to him, pressing it firmly against his own. I let out a small gasp at the contact which causes him to smile. He wastes no time letting his hands explore as he walks us closer to the shallow water.

"I want to see you up close" he whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine. My wrap my arms around his neck as we move, the water now resting just above my hips. Hvitserk keeps one hand on my waist as he leans back to admire my body. His free hand slowly traced up my stomach and between my breast, lingering there for a second before tracing my collar bones. Our eyes meet and he leans in, gently placing his lips on mine. It's slow at first but quickly heats up, our tongues now caressing one another. He gently bites my lip and slides a hand down my stomach, towards my sex. I exhale at his touch, a single finger slowly tracing circles around my clit. Hvitserk smiles into the kiss as his other hand gently grips my breast. I lean into him, moaning softly. He pulls his hand away and rests it on my waist before pulling away from our kiss as well, leaving me breathless and craving more.

"I need to fuck you" he growls lowly, gripping at my waist with his fingers "but I need to do it properly. Go get your dress on. We're going back to my tent." With wide, excited eyes I silently nod, smiling up at him. He leaves a quick kiss on my cheek before we both exit the water and get dressed. Hvitserk and I practically run back to camp, occasionally stopping along the way to kiss and grope one another. The closer we get to camp, the more excited we both become, neither of us able to keep our hands off of one another. We finally near his cabin-like tent, Hvitserk holding my hand and leading the way. Right before we walk into the tent Ubbe steps in front of Hvitserk, obviously drunk.

"Brother! We've been looking for you! Come! Come join us for a drink!" Ubbe says, raising his cup in the air. Hvitserk look at his brother, looks at me, then grabs the cup from Ubbe's hand and chugs it before pressing it into his chest.

"There, I had a drink. Leave me alone." He says, turning around and scooping me into his arms. I let out a high pitched squeal as Hvitserk carries me in his arms. He instructs the guard outside his tent not to let anyone disturb us and walks inside. He pushes through the thick fur and fabric tent flaps and walks straight for his bed, throwing me down and crawling on top of me. His hands are on either side of my head, his face close to mine.

"Now we can get naked. I can do so much more to you here." He says with a giant smile, biting his bottom lip at the end of his sentence.

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